The Bartlinski Bunch

" Teresa "

" Teresa "

Teresa "Fang Fang " Bartlinski

Teresa was born on December 25, 2006 in China. She was born with a very complex heart condition. In July 2010, GOD added Teresa to our family through adoption. We have been blessed with 9 wonderful children. Gods grace has woven us together as a family. Upon bringing Teresa home from China we unfortunately learned she not only needed a heart transplant but also a lung transplant. Her doctors feel she would not survive this operation. Please help us to pray for a miracle for Teresa's heart and lungs to be healed. She is a very special little soul who has touched so many lives around the world ...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We arrived in China safely. We had dinner with friends and got an overview of our itinerary for the week regarding the heart home.

We also became the Godparent of little George. George has been waiting for his family for a long time. He is almost 2 years old and has a very complex heart condition. He needs his family ASAP. He has the sweetest little personality! If you would like more info. on George please email me and I can tell you who his file is with.


Carr Family said...

Ann & Ed - so glad you had a safe trip to China. Our continued prayers are with you that God will not only do great things while you are there on this trip but will open up future blessings as St. Paul says in Ephesians: "....exceedingly abundantly more than we could ask or think, according to His power in us."

(The Carr's)

Vicky said...

Great to hear that you have arrived safely and that the next stage of Teresa's journey has begun.

Anonymous said...

Glad You Had A Safe Trip. You Are In Our Prayers Daily. Looking Forward To Following Your Journey.

- Dave Stanghellini & Family

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your updates. Will keep Baby George in my prayers. Hoping his family finds him.

Jen Link

Debbie Sauer said...

Bless him. I hope he finds his family.

Anonymous said...

Ann- Can you send me information? I cannot find your email. :/


PS- Love you guys. Katie and Judy send their love.