Tonight we spent an amazing evening with Half The Sky . Half The Sky has reformed the way all orphans in China receive care. This wonderful foundation is responsible for giving Teresa the best medical care and loving environment . ( Teresa's orphanage was VERY poor and could not provide her with any medical care. They had her transferred to Beijing and The Half The Sky /China Care home for medical care.) We were able to personally "Thank " Jenny Bowen ( the CEO and founder ) for loving our little girl and taking care of her . We were very moved as Jenny retold " Teresa's Story " to the gathering. As she ended, she said how happy she was for Teresa to have her family even though it was "Too late" to save her life. These two words are what haunt me day and night. Too late, is what we hear at EVERY Doctors visit. Too LATE is what wakes me up at night , Too Late, is what I see every day as children celebrate birthdays, learn to ride a bike, graduate from kindergarten, college, marry... Too Late for TERESA! Teresa will never get to experience these events because she did not receive medical care soon enough and now it is too late to save her life . She is inoperable .
I know God has perfectly orchestrated Teresa's life and in His eyes, it was never too late. Her life has a meaning and a purpose. I know this, but it still does not make it any easier.
It should never be too late for any child . No child should suffer, no child should go unloved, no child should go to bed alone . Every child should know LOVE and be LOVED . I guess this is called 'Heaven".
We are praying for "Peace " , to accept the results of Teresa's Heart Cath. next Friday . We have not given up hope of a miracle.
Oh Ann, it wasn't too late for her to know love, for her to know the love of a family and for her to know the love of the Lord. It is never too late!! I am praying for Jesus to lay His hands on Teresa and heal her heart and her lungs! Praying still for a miracle!!!
And we pray
AMen to the above 2 comments! It's never too late for God! (to do what He wants :) blessings upon your whole family!
She is a walking, talking, and yes, breathing testimony to the love of Jesus and family.
Still praying for an even stronger testimony with a miracle!
We continue to pray. Maybe the miracle won't be what we imagine--but maybe it will be even more awesome? Lots of prayers for Teresa and your beautiful family.
It is never "Too Late" for God to move! He parted the Red Sea just in time, He knocked down the walls of Jericho, not on the first day but the 7th, He gave us all everlasting life through the sacrifice of His son Jesus. When it looks too late for us, when man can do nothing more and we get out of His way, He can move. We are not just praying for but BELIEVING for a miracle!
God has a plan....and no prognosis can override it!
Will be praying for our precious Teresa!
Love and blessings,
"Too late" isn't that a human concept...too late for this....too late for that....but what about God's terms? Was it 'too late' for man to be redeemed? Was it 'too late' for Him to send His Son? It is ever 'too late' to seek forgivness or to believe?
Why then is it 'too late' for Teresa? Don't loose that hope, don't loose that Faith...
Holding you in our hearts and prayers....
hugs - aus and co.
Love all the heartfelt love notes you have received-and praying for your sweet girl, and you, sweet Momma!
Let it not be TOO LATE!!!!-
Thank you for going before us so gracefully. We have received the "too late" diagnosis for our own son newly home from China. I can only remember that there is a reason these children are here, still alive, in our lives.
Our son's prognosis is not like Teresa's, however, last week when we traveled to TX to meet with the specialist about his missing ribs/scoliosis, we heard those words "too late." Among other conditions that make straightening his spine difficult, the words that hit me the hardest were "he's too old, had he been younger..." He's 7.5 and we adopted him 10 months ago. It was already too late for him. We don't know what God has for this sweet boy, but He does have a plan just as He has one for Teresa.
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