The Bartlinski Bunch

" Teresa "

" Teresa "

Teresa "Fang Fang " Bartlinski

Teresa was born on December 25, 2006 in China. She was born with a very complex heart condition. In July 2010, GOD added Teresa to our family through adoption. We have been blessed with 9 wonderful children. Gods grace has woven us together as a family. Upon bringing Teresa home from China we unfortunately learned she not only needed a heart transplant but also a lung transplant. Her doctors feel she would not survive this operation. Please help us to pray for a miracle for Teresa's heart and lungs to be healed. She is a very special little soul who has touched so many lives around the world ...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Leaving Taiyuan

Today we are flying 3 hours to Guangzhou. This is where the American Consulate is located. Here we will complete our adoption paperwork.
We are hoping that Teresa does not have any difficulty breathing on the plane.

The heat index in Guangzhou is 110. Very hot!

Teresa continues to adjust very well to her new life with us.
We are trying to keep her excitement level very low as not to get her heart rate up too high ( she takes medicine to lower her rate)
She is already speaking several English words very clearly.
She goes potty all the time because of the diuretics , so we are trying to keep her from getting dehydrated in the heat with out giving her too much fluids . Going to the squatty potties here is a bit of a challenge.


Jewels of My Heart said...

Your family is so beautiful and what an answer to prayer you are.... So many of us have prayed for so long for your little Teresa. Thank You Jesus for leading her family to her....
Will be praying for a safe journey and for God's healing for her oh, so precious heart...
God's Speed...

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

I have been praying for your precious daughter since early 2009. Praying...shedding tears...pleading with the adoption community to pray...trying to figure out a way to bring her home...praying for the family who lost her...trying to find a hospital here in the states that would help Lucy...wondering who the amazing people were that stepped forward on faith. And here YOU ARE!!! And Lucy has never looked happier!!! And I am SOOOOOO grateful to you and your family for giving this precious child a home!!! Thank you SOOOOO much!!!!! She is just glowing! I will continue to pray that God heals Teresa completely! I have to tell you that many times I have left Mother Teresa quotes on the posts about "Lucy". I love her name...its just perfect and you are the answer to SO many prayers!!! Thank you for listening to Him. God bless you!!! I can't see thru my tears...

Love and blessings,

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

We adopted our Mia Hope from Taiyuan in March of 2009. :)

Oh how happy I am to have found your blog! :)

Jill said...

Praise Jesus!!
You are the family that has adopted the Miss Lucy that I have prayed for! YIPPEE!

Monica said...

I would swear that I have pictures of your little girl from when I was at the China Care home in Taiyuan in March 2009. If you would like them (there's only a few), please let me know.

big sis to Reese
a. 05/2007 Taiyuan, Shanxi, PRC