The Bartlinski Bunch

" Teresa "

" Teresa "

Teresa "Fang Fang " Bartlinski

Teresa was born on December 25, 2006 in China. She was born with a very complex heart condition. In July 2010, GOD added Teresa to our family through adoption. We have been blessed with 9 wonderful children. Gods grace has woven us together as a family. Upon bringing Teresa home from China we unfortunately learned she not only needed a heart transplant but also a lung transplant. Her doctors feel she would not survive this operation. Please help us to pray for a miracle for Teresa's heart and lungs to be healed. She is a very special little soul who has touched so many lives around the world ...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Gemma Rose

No ,Teresa did not have a heart offer today . 
For everyone who saw us leaving the parking lot very  fast  after school today , it was for Gemma .
Gemma had an accident in gym class and was taken by ambulance to the hospital .  She is home and fine now ,all stitched up.   She was so brave . She actually fell asleep while the Docotor was putting in the stitches .  That's my girl ...eating and sleeping, her two favorite things to do .

After leaving the hospital with Gemma, we headed to the pediatricians office for Teresa .  She now has an ear infection . This darn cold is hanging on and still causing her to be very tired .  Back to the pharmacy , more medicines and finally home .

What a week . Praying for a very quiet weekend .


Aus said...

Poor Gemma - hope she heals quickly and that you have the quiet weekend you need!

hug and continued prayers -

aus and co.

firegirl said...

Hugs to Gemma. Hope she heals quickly! hugs and prayers for all of you!