The Bartlinski Bunch

" Teresa "

" Teresa "

Teresa "Fang Fang " Bartlinski

Teresa was born on December 25, 2006 in China. She was born with a very complex heart condition. In July 2010, GOD added Teresa to our family through adoption. We have been blessed with 9 wonderful children. Gods grace has woven us together as a family. Upon bringing Teresa home from China we unfortunately learned she not only needed a heart transplant but also a lung transplant. Her doctors feel she would not survive this operation. Please help us to pray for a miracle for Teresa's heart and lungs to be healed. She is a very special little soul who has touched so many lives around the world ...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Min Min has HER Family !!!!

Exactly one year ago when we adopted Teresa we met her best friend, Min Min in The China Care Home . Now Min Min has HER very own family too !!!

She will be home in a few more days .
Last year Min was so excited for Teresa when she heard she would have three brothers . She kept holding her fingers up counting 3 and laughing . Now she will have 4 brothers of her own . We are so happy for this wonderful family and for Min Min .

Saying good bye last year was so sad because Min kept asking us to take her home too. She watched expressionless as we waved good bye . Now she will never be alone again.

Please keep her family in your prayers , Min has a complex heart condition also .

When I told Teresa Min Min was coming home to her own family she was so happy !

"Really ? Really ? She has a family like me?"
" I so happy for Min Min "
" Now she never be sad again "


Aus said...

Ann - why am I not surprised that your daughter would say something like that?

Great joy for you guys - and Min min too!

hugs - aus and co.

LA said...

Hi Ann,

I am so happy for Min and her family. I just went over to her blog to read the good news:) I am also so happy that Teresa knows and hopefully the best friends can get together soon again.

Praying for you all,

Susie said...

The first time I read this a few hours ago, I just thought how Teresa it was to be so sweet and wise. And it is! But I am rejoicing about what her statement means for Teresa as well! She has a family, and she knows that she,Teresa, can handle anything alongside her family. You have given her the gift of being free of worries! Thanknyou for sharing her with us!

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

Praise God!!! That is great news!!!