Today Teresa experienced her first snow fall. She loves to watch Frosty the Snowman and knows almost all the words to the movie. Her favorite line - No money , No Ticket ! She was so excited to go out and play in the snow like Frosty . We only stayed out for a few minutes because the cold weather really makes her turn purple, but she loved every minute of it !
Over the weekend we went to have lunch with Santa at
The Knights of Columbus with Grandpop. Teresa was so funny, as soon as Santa walked in to say hello to all the children she took one look at him and yelled " That's not Santa!" It was so funny , it reminded me of Buddy the Elf in the Elf MOvie when he saw the fake Santa .
The only thing she wants for Christmas is a Frosty the Snowman .
A quick update on the girls:
Last Friday Teresa's appointment at CHOP was canceled because the Doctor had a family emergency . So now we will have to wait until January to see if the Sildenafil is improving her lungs and heart function . The winter has definitely been more difficult for her than the summer . Most days I dress her in 3 layers of clothes to keep her warm . Her lips , hands and feet are a lovely shade of purple almost continuously now . Her oxygen is hovering around 72 .
Gemma was doing better over the weekend and then on Monday she started with pneumonia. She is finally doing much better with antibiotics and a nebulizer treatment . We know she is back to her good old self because she is eating everything in sight.
Emilia is doing great with her cast . Hopefully she will have it off in January .