Lucy , our almost 7 year old daughter always says ," I have good news and I have bad news. What do you want to hear first?"
Yesterday we took Teresa to Johns Hopkins Hospital . Her oxygen level was very low so they put her on oxygen and started doing several test on her heart. We were hoping that all of the medical information we had received from China was wrong ,but unfortunately it was not . All of the tests confirmed everything we already new. Teresa's heart is very damaged and so are her lungs. She is not a candidate for a heart transplant , she requires a heart and lung transplant. Hopkins will not do this operation on children because the mortality rate is too high . So the second option is to treat her heart with medicines to keep it going. This will only work for so long and she must stay away from anyone with a virus as she is more susceptible to any infection attacking her heart.The worst case scenario is a few months and the best is a few years. In a few weeks she will have a heart catherazation again and this will tell us exactly if the medicines are working to keep her heart strong. Our third option is a miracle. We need a miracle to save Teresa. When she has the cath. done again we need the pulmonary pressure (which is now over 60 )to be under 12. The Doctor said only a miracle could do this. So that is what we are praying for. If her pressure goes under 12 than she can have surgery on her heart to repair some of the damage .
The Good News is , God Can Do This, if this is HIS will !
Please ask everyone you know to pray for Teresa!