Monday, October 21, 2013

Mayzie and Emilia

Emilia and Mayzie have always had a special bond.   When Emilia came home from the hospital , Mayzie could sense right away something was different.  She started licking Emilia's leg and foot trying to bring her some relief from the pain.    She stays by her side all day, sleeps next to her bed and even follows her into the bathroom.  She is an amazing dog, Amazing Mayzie. 

This past weekend we participated in the Save A Limb Ride/Walk for Sinai Hospital and Mayzie proudly joined Emilia.  The 1 mile walk was dedicated in memory of Teresa.

 We don't get to go out too often with all of the kids.  So it was so nice to get dressed up and spend the evening at the Banquet with everyone.
The kids loved meeting Earl Cole ( the Survivor Winner of Fiji 2007).  He was so nice.  The kids got the inside scoop on Survivor although he wouldn't tell us who the winner was this season.

The love and support that the Doctors  and  Nurses from Sinai Hospital  and especially Marilyn (the patient liaison )  showed  to our family while Teresa was at CHOP was truly touching.   Marilyn  came to the house and brought gifts for the girls and a special card signed by everyone at the hospital.  During this very difficult time , it made the girls feel really loved.
We felt very honored when Marilyn  asked if they could dedicate the race in Teresa's memory.

 Teresa had such fun at the event last year.  If felt very odd to be there this year without her.

We have been so blessed to have so many loving , caring people in our life.
Thank you Dr. Standard for giving Emilia hope, love and the chance to run and play like every other child.  What a tremendous gift.  Something that so many may take for granted but Emilia has come so far. She appreciates every step she takes.


  1. Thank You, Ann, For Sharing This Story. Your Two Recent Posts Had Me Reflect On What We Should Truly Value In This Life. We Think Of Teresa And Your Family Often And You Remain In Our Prayers. Glad To Hear That Emilia Is Doing Well.

    Dave Stanghellini And Family

  2. Precious post, Emilia is so sweet and has such a wonderful attitude with all she's been through. Glad she has Mayzie to help her through. Great family photo!!
    That was really special that they dedicated the race to Teresa.
    Continuing to pray for you all.
    The Carr's

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these beautiful pictures!!!! Prayers for your family always. So glad Emilia is doing so well. - Theresa from Georgia

  4. What a treat to be dressed up for such a special event. Is that a live snake around Gemma's neck? She is a plucky little girl!
