Thursday, October 17, 2013

Dear Teresa- Arms full of Love

Dear Teresa,
The other night as Gemma was saying her prayers,  she asked me if you were happy in Heaven because you did not have your baby Belle with you .  Every night Gemma kneels down next to your bed and prays.  She always ends with a very long conversation with you.  I know you hear her.

Gemma wishes she could hold your hand forever.

We talked about Heaven and how you don't need "Things" in Heaven.   She still seemed a little confused so I asked her what was the only thing that you were able to take with you as you went to Heaven?    She started to say Baby Belle and then she stopped and said... Love.  

We know Teresa your arms were full of love  from all the "Huggie Huggles"  you gave to everyone here on earth.   I am sure that God was so happy with you as you gave all this love back to Him.

At seven years old Gemma knows that its not the person that dies with the most toys that wins.   The only thing anyone can take with them is love.

Having new "Things" always seem to make us happy for a while.  The latest phone,  a new car, new toys... but they only keep us happy for a while and then we are looking for something else to satisfy this "need" again.

  We can't take it with us.
Love is the only thing that lasts forever.

Teresa , God brought you into our family for a reason.  Yes, it was for you to have a family but it was also for us to learn the meaning of love, unconditional love.
 A love that was able to set you free and  give you back to the Lord because you were never ours to keep. Your light was too bright to keep to ourselves.  God wanted to share you with the entire world.  Now your light shines as bright as the stars for all to see.

Keep spreading your love from Heaven sweet girl!

Thank you all for the cards and prayers for Emilia.  She is home and doing great.  Hopefully she will be able to return to school in a few weeks.
She has a phenomenal Doctor at Sinai Hospital  that has given her the ability to be a normal little girl with two legs that she can now run and play like everyone else. (well ... in 6 months she will be running).  Dr. Standard is Emilia's angel here on Earth.   Emilia has a positive attitude and is enduring  everything she goes through with such a great smile.  Mayzie has really helped her through this last surgery.  She sits by her side and keeps Emilia company all day.  They are an inseparable pair and Emilia takes such pride in "Her" service dog. 
On Saturday our family will be participating in the annual "Save a Limb" walk/ride for Sinai Hospital.  Mayzie will be joining Emilia as she participates in her wheelchair.  And because of an anonymous donor who made a $1,000 donation in Teresa's Memory to the International Limb Lengthening clinic at Sinai, our family will also attend the banquet on Saturday evening.  A HUGE "Thank You " to this anonymous angel!   And a special "Huggy Huggle" from Teresa.  We love you more...

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