Friday, October 11, 2013


Tuesday , Emilia's surgery (bilateral femoral osteotomy) went really well.  The first couple of days were very tough.  But once the epidural was repositioned she started to feel much better.

She will be in the fixator for 6 months to slowly lengthen both her femurs.  When all is done she will be 3 inches taller.  She is very happy about this but Lucy is not so happy.  This could possibly  make Lucy a little shorter than Emilia and she is not happy. The one thing we did not expect was for her to be in her wheelchair for six months.  With her last surgery to lengthen her legs she was in a different style fixator that allowed for weight bearing.

Thank you everyone for the cards .  This really brightens her day!

Tonight Ed brought the girls to the hospital for a visit.   It did my heart good to kiss and squeeze them.  I have missed them so much .  Emilia was so happy to see them also.

It has been very hard being back in a hospital setting.  Even though it is a different hospital there are the same sights , smells and sounds.   Emilia has been stable the entire time and continues to make progress everyday .  This has been such a blessing.  I don't think I could have taken any emergencies.

Today three beautiful Blue birds flew into the tree outside of Emilia's' hospital room.  They then flew by her window not once but three times for several minutes.  I probably would not have thought anything of this but today it has been raining all day.  Three little blue birds... Hmmmm?

Praying we will be home soon.


  1. So glad to hear that Emilia's surgery went well. Will continue to pray for complete healing. May the Lord grant her patience while she recovers. Prayers for the rest of the family as you care for her.

  2. Sending a big "HOORAY!" to Emilia and the rest of the bunch...! (Let Lucy know the Pipsqueak is shorter than all her friends but that if you're the right size for you, then you're never too short!)

  3. Hope that Emilia is continuing to recover and has better pain control. She looks so pretty and brave - your kids just make me smile! Continued prayers for all of you - Theresa from Georgia
