Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Adam Charles

Dear Teresa,
Today was such a joyful day.  You are an Aunt!
Adam Charles Bartlinski was born today weghing 8lbs. 15oz.!

You could not wait for the Baby to come out of Laura's tummy.  You were so excited and could not wait to be able to hold him.  I know you are dancing and singing in Heaven rejoicing with us.  Adam is so lucky to have his very own guardian angel (Aunt) in Heaven watching over him.

I gave Adam a special hug and kiss from you !
We love you more...


  1. Congratulations Grandma. What a special blessing a new baby is. So glad for all your family. The pictures of all of you are great. God's blessing on each of you, especially for that new little one.

  2. Congratulations Grandma. What a special blessing a new baby is. So glad for all your family. The pictures of all of you are great. God's blessing on each of you, especially for that new little one.

  3. WHOHOOO!!!!! Congratulations ALL!
    He's beautiful and we're so happy for you and his parents.

  4. Congratulations to all of you! What a beautiful baby:) - Theresa from Georgia

  5. After losing Teresa, what special timing to add another little soul to your family. Blessings to little Adam. Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations Bartlinski family on the birth of baby Adam. I so loved the joyful faces of each of the aunties and Grandma as they held the happy for all of you....and little guardian angel, Theresa.

    mary m, age 67
    vancouver, wa.

  7. He is precious! So happy for all of you. Enjoy!!!

  8. Congratulations to all of you! He is a lovely baby.
