Thursday, September 26, 2013

October 1

On Tuesday October 1, it will be three  months since Teresa's passing.  I am asking a favor ... Teresa loved to hug everyone and tell them she "loved them more".  On Tuesday to remember Teresa's joy , hope and love I am asking everyone to hug someone and hopefully they will hug someone and so on and so on  and in one day Teresa's love could circle the world.  Pleas share and leave a comment on how far Teresa's love has spread...
"We love you more Teresa"


  1. Will do! This is a wonderful tribute.

  2. Thank you, Ann. I "hug" Teresa every night in my prayers, and on Tuesday I will hug many someones in honor of Teresa's everlasting spirit.

    Wishing the Lord's blessings to you and your family.


  3. Oct. 1 is also St. Therese of Liseux's feast day. I know Teresa wasn't named for her, but it seems an appropriate day to do little things, as St. Therese did, too. Praying for all of you. You must miss your sweet girl so much. I hope you feel her with you sometimes.

  4. Farewell Teresa Bartlinski

    My tears are for your family and all the smiles and tender moments in life that will be missed. Our hearts ache for you and your lost experiences in this life, all the playtimes and the laughter that should have been shared with your possible playmates. We truly thank God for the magic that you've cast upon so many, and we thank God for the lasting smile that you have endraved in all our hearts.May you make such a lasting impact upon the heavenly hosts that you now are a precious part of, and may find true joy and happiness in the arms of our saviour who now teaches you how to be compartable with your new wings and role in serving him. We will miss you,and we will truly remember you for the example of strength, buety, and faith that you showed all of us in your short time among us. Sore gracedully and confidently my little sister, and i look foward to seeing you again when my time comes to join you in paradise. I impart to you all my love, graditude and appreciation because you truly did make a very wonderful impact upon my heart and mind and im truly a better person because of you and the previous examples that you showed me in your hour of struggles.Rest my little sister, rest peacefully.


  5. October 1st is the feast of st therese of liseaux so will be praying and hugging for everyone.

  6. October 1st is the feast of st therese of liseaux so will be praying for everyone.

  7. We will absolutely do this! I still think of Teresa every day. When I am feeling down and overwhelmed by life, I remember her strength. Her ability to always smile in the face of adversity, is a life lesson for all!
    She may be gone from this earth, but her spirit remains.

    You and your family will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Teresa's love is spreading in NM.

    Love your sweet family.

  9. First thing I did this morning : send out Teresa's "I love you more" around the world.
    (I prepared a french version too)
    So It went to
    - Swisstzerlannd
    - Great-Britain
    - Belgium
    - Canada
    - Venuzuela
    - Australia
    - South-Africa

    A big hug from France !

  10. Entrance prayer today at mass. "The Lord led her and taught her and kept her as the apple of His eye. Like an eagle spreading his wings, He took her up and bore her on His shoulders. The Lord alone was her guide." I immediately thought of your little Theresa. God Bless you all

  11. Hugs to & from Ashland KY! <3
