Monday, September 30, 2013

Dear Teresa- St Thérèse of Lisieux

Dear Teresa-St. Therese of Lisieux
On Tuesday October 1 ,  is the feast day of St Therese.  It is also the  day three months ago that you went to be with Jesus.
St. Therese was known as the  "little flower".  Mother Teresa took her name from St. Therese and we named you after Mother Teresa.  Little Flower was the Foster Home  where you lived in China.
Teresa you shared your love with others the  "little way", like St. Therese and Mother Teresa,  you  hugged others and told everyone that you loved them more...
In remembrance of you on this day we have asked everyone whose life was touched by you to hug someone and share your love.
One more "Huggy Huggle" and "I Love You More" for everyone!

The past three months have been the hardest months of our lives Teresa.  We still miss you so much.  But they have also been three of the most meaningful months of our lives.   God continues to lead us on an amazing journey.  He continues to allow us to experience things that break our hearts, fill us with hope and lead us closer and closer to HIM.

The plans for the new heart home ,"Love You More Heart Home",  are amazing.  We will start the home with 25 beds and the potential to expand in the future.  We also will have 3-4 rooms for poor families to stay and receive pre and post op care.  They also will receive training on how to care for their child before returning to their  Provinces.     . Ed and I are partnering with Little Hearts Medical  to make this vision come true.  Little Hearts Medical was founded by two amazing parents who also have the same love for orphans  as Ed and I.   Together we hope to change the lives of many orphans for the better Teresa.  Just like you changed our lives for the better by having you as our daughter and teaching us how to love more.

Thank you to everyone for supporting us on this mission.  We are eternally grateful to you all for helping us to help orphans.     We know Teresa you are smiling and picking flowers and sending hugs to everyone.

  Dr. Seuss: 'Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.',

Her are a few photos of our journey to China ...
We "unofficially" became The Godparents to George. How I wish we could adopt this sweet boy.

              This little one was infatuated with Ed.  She stole his heart.  She "Chose" him and would not leave him.  How I wish we could adopt her also.  Praying for God to provide a way ...

This is one room with 200 babies.  There are 4 rooms like this.
We love you more sweet girl!!!!!!!!


  1. Glad the babies have incubators, but that many babies in the hospital breaks my heart.

  2. We send our hugs, our prayers to you all. Praying Grace for the moment. Our girls still pray nightly for your little Teresea...knowing now she is in Heaven.

    In His hope,
