Sunday, September 22, 2013

God is Good

God is good all of the time.
Some people say that when God answers their prayers that God is good , or if things are going great in their lives  , that God is good.    If their child came through surgery and their child is doing great, then God is good.   But what about all the children that did not do well in surgery  or the people who are struggling with challenges in their lives.   Is God being bad to them?  No , I believe God is good all of the time.  Not only when things are going our way but also when things do not go the way we have  planned. Our prayers are always heard and answered.  But some prayers will only be answered in Heaven.  And this does not make God bad.
In our limited ability as humans , we can only see life from this side of the grave.   God see's life from Heaven  and eternity.   And because of this I always trust Gods Will. It doesn't mean that I understand it but by faith I believe.

With all five of our adoptions ,  God has slowly  pried one finger at a time on my grasp of control of my life away.  With Teresa, I still had one finger holding on for my own control of my life.  Now my hand is completely open reaching for Jesus's hand.  For Him to have complete control of my life and lead me to do HIS Will.

Giving up control was hard for someone that is a control freak.  But once I let go,  life is so much easier.

Our trip to China was amazing!  Even though we have traveled to China 5 times before for adoptions, it was totally different experiencing things that happen before adoption. 
Our days were long and full.   We accomplished so much and laid the groundwork for what we need to accomplish for the "Love You More Heart Home".
As we continue to work out the details I will share them with you as we proceed ,  but for now I can say it will be wonderful.   Every person involved had a hand in taking care of Teresa or knowing Teresa while she was in China.  How God's Will led us to all of these people is a miracle in its self.  Totally orchestrated by God just like everything in Teresa's life.  All having so many happy memories of Teresa to share with us. 

                                                Lily helped to take care of Teresa 3 years ago.  She is so caring and goes above and beyond to help the children.
                                  Some of the Heart Team.

                 Florence is one of kindest people I have ever met.  She is on a mission to help the orphans all over the world.  She also helped to take care of Teresa 3 years ago,

Someone asked me if we had known  the plans God had for us to do His Will would we still have been so willing to say yes.   God reveals  His Will to us  a little at a time.  And gives us the Grace to do it as we need it.   If you had  asked me if I thought I  could go through 2 weeks  with Teresa's new heart not working , 3 open heart surgeries in 2 weeks, emergencies, infections, Caths., suffering and then holding her as she died I would of said there is no way I could do that. But God gives us the strength at the moment we need it to go on and be strong.  And now traveling to China 2 months after Teresa went to heaven, to help open a heart home for orphans with heart disease like her ,  I would of said the same thing.  But God has once again led us and orchestrated it all and is in control.

Teresa' whole life was an amazing journey.  One filled with so much love and hope.   Now as the journey continues for us with her in heaven, we know God will lead us and give us the strength.  With Teresa sending her love and hugs to the world.

                           God is good !


  1. Thank You for your vision about "God is good"
    I always cringe when I read that sentence... and what about all the other orphans who will never have a family ? And all the sufferance we can have or see ? etc...

    Teresa had wonderful parents for three years... and what a precious child...

  2. Thank you for the insightful post. To God Be The Glory for what you and Ed are making happen in China.

  3. Thank You, Ann. So Beautifully Said.
    - Dave Stanghellini

  4. God is good Ann! If you had told me at the beginning of the year that my husband and I, ages 53 and 57, would be looking to adopt another older child, I would have said no way. And even when I felt God calling me right after Teresa died, my husband said no way. So I just gave it up to God, and asked Teresa to whisper in His ear, and he did. And now we will do what God is calling us to do. Bring home another daughter. Your daughter is definitely still working miracles...I'm calling her the patron saint of orphans from now on!

  5. LOVE this!!! May God continue to lead you all in this journey.

  6. Beautifully shared, Ann. God IS good, all the time. On this side of heaven, we cannot see all ends, but when we joyfully are face to face with our Lord, all will be revealed. Many blessings and prayers for you and your wonderful family.

  7. Yes, thank you for saying that God is good despite the circumstances. I loved how you explained God giving us enough to deal with each moment - if we could see the big picture that HE sees, we would be totally overwhelmed. But you are so right, He gives enough strength for each moment at a time. Blessings to you!

  8. Well said - without a "dark night of the soul" how could we know joy or God's saving Grace? true words -

    hugs - aus and co.

  9. Amen and amen!!!!!! Expressed beautifully Ann.

  10. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beliefs about this. Things are so hard to reconcile sometimes. I think about and pray for Teresa and all of you every day. I will continue to do so and have not given up on trying to help contribute to the work you are doing in China. - Theresa from Georgia

  11. Ann, you amaze and inspire me! God IS good -- all the time! I am so happy to see the work He is leading you to, and so happy to have even a small part in helping in whatever way I can, praying and giving. How I would love to go to China and hold these little ones and pray for them personally -- maybe one day God will provide. Until then.....
    It is so obvious in your postings how the Lord has led you closer and closer to Him! His will in all of life is to transform us into the image of His dear Son, our Savior! You and Ed are the epitome of God's transformation! How thankful I am to "know" you from afar -- and to know HIM within my heart!
    God bless you! ((Hugs!)) and much <3
    Sharron Wolfe
    Forney, TX

  12. Thank you for being an open book and sharing all your thoughts. I love the phrase "each day here on this earth is one day closer to Teresa (or insert the name you need here)." That is huge and takes away that feeling of us being stuck here (even though I know we are not), it gives hope. This earth is NOT our home, and I am so glad. Your family is continually in my prayers. I can't wait to see what God does.


  13. Thank you so much for your generosity in loving Teresa so much. My children and I feel so close to her (8 kids, ages 12 and under!) What a beautiful soul she is and we just know she is praying for us to be holy and get to Heaven!!! :)
    Thanks for your family being such a great witness of love. Thanks for Teresa being such a little saint!
    Blessed Mother, pray for us!
    Mother Teresa, pray for us!
    St. Padre Pio, pray for us!
    Holy Family, pray for us!

    God bless you all. Thankyou.
    p.s. YES! We will HUG and say "I love you more!" on Oct. 1st-- The feast of St. Therese of Liseux!!! :)
