Sunday, September 15, 2013

China - Shanxi

Yesterday our meeting with the team for the new heart home was amazing.  We all were so full of hope on how we could help heart children.  We brainstormed on a location, budget, care . . . it is very promising.  It is so humbling to be a part of a team that has the same vision as us that wants to help orphans, the ones considered hopeless.

Today we traveled by train to Shanxi.   As we arrived to our hotel , we could not believe it.   It was the same hotel we stayed at 3 years ago to adopt Teresa.   It was very hard walking into the lobby.  All the memories, photos and hope for a future together came flooding back.  It seemed like we had just been here.  Three years gone in the blink of an eye.  Its funny how things go in a complete circle.  Here we were, standing in the same spot that three years ago held so much joy and hope, and now we were here without Teresa trying to give hope to other children like her.

After unpacking we visited a local orphanage.  We have visited many orphanages in China.  Some good, some not so good, but nothing compared to what we saw today.  We were asked not to post any photos.  I have no words to describe what we saw . . . only tears.   And I ask God WHY?  How can this be His Will for these children?

We also visited The Little Flower Home in Taiyuan.   It is an amazing place that provides so much love and care.  We provided them with some medical training on care for infants and they were very grateful.  These young women work so hard to take care of the children.

The world needs to know there is an orphan CRISIS in the world.  Not just China or Africa or India, but the world.It is  everyone's responsibility to care for the orphans.  Please open your hearts to adoption.  If you can't adopt then help someone who can.  Everyone can pray for a family that is adopting or financially help them or offer support in another way. But we can not turn our back on the most vulnerable.  The Bible tells us ALL to help the widows and ORPHANS.


  1. Ann & Ed,

    Our prayers are with you - we know how emotional this experience must be for you, but the strength that the Lord is giving and the miracles that He is doing and setting up through your family and Teresa are amazing! Our God is good and He will honor us as we help the widows and orphans of the world!


    (The Carr's)

  2. Guys - just wanted you to know that while I haven't been commenting much we ARE praying for and following you guys!

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. Thinking of you both. I totally understand about the bad orphanage you visited. The orphanage Skyler lived in before we adopted him from Romania was very scary and sad. Then we had to take him to a hospital in Buccharest before we could leave the country, and it was like being in a Steven King horror movie. What we saw is forever engraved in our minds. Yes, I agree, the orphans of the world need to get so much more attention. Wonderful children that just crave a family and someone to love them. God bless all the care takers. They are doing what they can to care for these children. And God bless you both for what you are doing there. You are my heros.
    Love, Linda Mills

  4. Our sweet China girl is from Shanxi as well and we spent about a week in Taiyuan along with a short trip up to Datong. The sweet babies just break my heart. Everyone should have the opportunity to know the love of a mommy or daddy. Bless you on your continued work!
