Tuesday, September 17, 2013

China - Hospital #81

It is midnight in Beijing and we just arrived back to our hotel after a very long day at Hospital #81. I will post an update tomorrow when we are not as tired. Tonight I will leave you with photos of our very productive day.


  1. Oh my word! The picture of the hospital nursery....the sheer number of isolates and babies....it took my breath away!

  2. Hi Ann and Ed,
    I am so interested in your travels in China and your photos. Thank you for sharing. Continued blessings on your mission.

  3. Wow... that last picture of so many babies on one room! Are those NICU beds?

    Bless you on your journey!

  4. The last picture . . . breathtaking and heartbreaking. I REALLY hope you will tell us that those are not all orphans.
