Friday, September 13, 2013

China - BJU Hospital

Our day started off early this morning as we headed to the BJU Hospital in Beijing. We received a tour of the entire hospital. We then had lunch with the nursing staff. Afterwards Dianna presented a lecture to the nurses on post op cardiac care. It was very informative and they seemed to really appreciate the information.

Tomorrow we are meeting with the team to discuss the plans for the new heart home. We are very excited to be part of a group with the same desire as us to help the orphans with severe heart disease. There is such a tremendous need for care of orphans with heart disease. I know we can not save them all but we can make a difference in the lives of many.

On Sunday we will take the bullet train to Taiyuan. We will visit the Taiyuan SWI and also The Little Flower Foster home there. On Monday we will drive to the Lvliang SWI. This is Teresa's orphanage. Hopefully we will be able to help them identify children with Cardiac disease sooner so they can receive medical help before their lungs become damaged.

This is the first time in 28 years that Ed and I have been away without any of our children. It is a little odd not to be giving baths, brushing hair, feeding, medicine . . . and it is a little too quiet. We feel the most comfortable when we are in the orphanage helping care for the children.

There is such a tremendous need for adoptions, medical care and love here. If the world could only see the faces of the children just wanting to be loved.


  1. Praying for you as you continue on this journey. Also praying that I can help to encourage/inspire others to consider adoption! - Theresa from Georgia

  2. God bless you as you go to do what you can. Ann this is my heart also ! I leave on Friday 9/20/13 for Beijing then Luoyang to love and be loved by these beautiful .To do what I can to help .There will be 14 of us that are Show Hope sponsors.I LOVE these little ones so very much !
    You and your family are amazing !!
    Love Sue Lucas

  3. Praying for the whole Bartlinski family. And praying that God direct you to the people who need to hear about the home,how to spot cardiac kids, and that people will see their children in the photos you post and be moved to help. My little Guangxi heart girl is singing along to 'For Good" from hearing it on your blog. Lifting you in prayer. We only knew Teresa through the blog but we've been changed as well. For good. May you have the peace that passes understanding as you work in China and return home.

  4. Thank you for taking the time to continue the blog. Little Teresa continues to be an inspiration from her place in Heaven.

  5. Ann,
    My husband and I are in the process of adopting a baby girl from China. In just a few months, our dossier should be done. We go for our fingerprinting next week. However, with our agency, we were told that the wait for a heart baby for a girl under 12 months, could be 2 plus years. We were hoping it would be sooner. Do you have any info that could help us expedite our process?

  6. Thinking of you and sending prayers!

  7. God Bless You And Ed For Going There To Help. Our Prayers Go Out For You Daily.
    - Dave Stanghellini
