Thursday, September 12, 2013

China Little Flower

Today we visited the China Little Flower Foster home. This orphanage cares for some of the sickest children in China. Unfortunately George deteriorated over night and was having difficulty breathing this morning. He really needs his family now. Not much else can be done for his heart in China. Please pray his family finds him soon.

We spent the day playing with the children and helping to asses their medical needs. There is such a tremendous need for medical care for these children. All of the children in Little Flower are loved very much by their Nannies.

Please consider opening your hearts to adoption. You can help change the life of a child , one at a time.

Tomorrow we will visit BJU Hospital in Beijing. The two ICU nurses traveling with us will offer training in post op care for children with CHD.


  1. This is a place I would love to volunteer at! Blessings

  2. Precious little ones!! Praying for them, their nannies who are SO special to meet such a tough challenge of caring, loving and too often losing these beautiful kids. Lifting up the needs of all to be met, now and in the days/years ahead!!!
