Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dear Teresa- one day closer

Dear Teresa, 
Every day without you is one day closer to being with you again!

Who ever said time heals all wounds obviously did not know you or your enormous spirit.   I can say so far time has not healed the wound of losing you. 
Time has only made things different. 
Before we adopted you,  we had no idea how much was missing from our lives.  You showed us what life was all about. 

You just did not visit with the princesses and smile and get your photo taken, you examined every detail of Belle's dress , what color lipstick she was wearing, you noticed every sparkly diamond in her tiara and you asked her if you could try on her shoes!
This is how you lived every second of every day, noticing everything and being so happy about the simplest things in life. 

This is why it has been so very hard to adjust to this new normal.  And I can tell you little T Bear, I do not like it one bit. 

I will admit that the past three years had moments of worry and fear.   But it was all so worth it because YOU brought us so much joy ,love and happiness.  I would do it all again even if God only shared you with us for one day, it all would have been worth it!
There never will be another you, and God knew this.  
To fill this tremendous void of not having you in our arms , God is leading us on a new journey. 
This journey I know will be filled  with much  heart ache but also great joy.  
You see little T , God is taking us back to China.  I know you had a big part in discussing this with God.  We are going to help as many heart children as we can by establishing a heart home for children with the  most complex heart conditions. And with each child we hold, we will be hugging you and helping them to have their forever family just like you so desperately wanted.  All for you sweet girl!
In each child's eyes I will see you.

To everyone who offered to help us on this mission in Teresa's  memory , I will be returning all  of your emails next week. Thank you so much for all of the offers to help in any way. 
I know God has great plans for Your love  to keep  flowing  even from heaven Teresa .
Your light was too bright to go out.  From heaven you will shine even brighter! 

"To find your way in this world, listen to your heart"- PJ Hendricks

We listened to our heart when we answered the call to adopt you Teresa.  How blessed we have been by adoption! 


  1. Praying for you in this next part of your journey, looking forward to hearing about it and would love to help.

    Cindy Bryl

  2. Hi Ann! I'm Heather and I was hoping you would be willing to answer my question about your blog! My email address is

  3. How wonderful to hear of your new project for Teresa in China, Ann. You all are in our prayers.

  4. Dear Ann, I wish I had known your Teresa. Such a very special child she must have been... I wish you good luck on your extraordinary mission trip to China, bittersweet... Warm regards, Claudia Huisman, The Netherlands.

  5. Safe and successful travels to China I wish you all!

  6. Can't wait to hear more about this next journey. The pain does not changes but it will never lessen. Years ago, I lost my sister....there are still days I pick up the phone to call her...and remember, she is no longer a phone call away. My sister loved children and I am sure she is playing with Teresa.

  7. Praying for your next journey, would love to help in anyway I can. My email address is
    I know with all those children you are a busy woman. But thought I would let you know I am here and willing to do what I can just let me know, today, next week or next year. Teresa will always be in my heart, not a day goes by that something doesn't remind me of her. My prayers are with you and your family. - Judy Savage
