Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dear Teresa - GKTW

Dear Teresa ,  
This morning we got up very early so we could volunteer at Give Kids The World.   Guess what we saw Teresa as we went outside ?  A beautiful sunrise with pink princess clouds to remind us of you !  Remember T how much fun you had at GKTW on your wish trip?   You loved eating ice cream for breakfast and thought that was so silly.  Well guess what ,  your sisters all had ice cream for breakfast with LOTS of cherries on top in your memory.   We looked at your star again in The Castle Of Dreams.   I wonder what you wished for on that magical day two years ago .  You never told me .  You would giggle and say it was a secret   every time I would ask you . 
My wish today was to just have one more  day with you.  


  1. Every blog I read just brings tears to my eyes. Not for Teresa but for us who are left behind without her. You are an amazing family, and you have all changed my life forever. Like in the movie steel magnolias this quote was never more true, I feel a lot better knowing she is up there on our side, what an awesome gift she is. Thank you for sharing her.

  2. My wish is that each day you will be comforted by moments of hope, peace, and love. God bless all of you. - Theresa from Georgia

  3. Prayers, was at Disney yesterday (with my granddaughters 5 and 6 had to go see Bella (they got to be in a little script with her) as they were marching around the room I thought of Teresa (tears came to my eyes). When I look at all your girls and the smiles on their face....Disney is a wonderful place for memories. So happy to see smiles on all of your daughters face. My prayers are still with you and your family....Ice cream for breakfast...oh my... isn't that wonderful!!! (Judy for Tampa Fl)

  4. Dear Ann,

    I was crying along with you reading your blog updates at Disney World. I do know that Teresa would have wanted you guys to go and enjoy what she loved doing so much : Hanging out with the princesses :) Our family continues to pray for your family.

    God bless,
    Lee Ann

  5. Thinking of you all as you take one breath and day at a time in remembering your sweet baby doll and working toward healing your hearts.

    God Bless you all,

    I hope you may find hope and comfort in the beautiful words of this song arising from another also grieving for the loss of his child.

  7. I had the pleasure of meeting your family at the T Rex restaurant today. I was deeplytouched by your adoption story and Theresa. I always wonder every day about other special families whose lives have been touched by special needs adoptions. You have given me renewed hope as we embark on this journey adopting our seventh child. I was worried there would not be enough love to go around but I realize there is plenty. Thanks for your kind words and I pray for your family and "maizie" that you have wonderful memories of Theresa and your hearts are lightened. Sincerely, Lisa Hazard
