Friday, August 2, 2013

Dear Teresa - Belle

Dear Teresa , 
What a magical day we had today.  
We met  a wonderful family at Epcot this morning that had been praying for you for three years.  Their family also has been blessed  by adoption.  
What a joy to finally be able to meet this family. 

Then the girls had a special lunch planned by The Joy Hope Foundation with all the Princesses.    Belle greeted us as we arrived.   I was praying Sweet Pea  that you would give me the strength  to meet Belle because she was your FAVORITE Princesses .  You wore her dress almost everyday and knew every line in the movie and could sing all the songs .   
I was doing good Sweet Pea until Belle looked at your picture and started crying .  
You had an incredible gift Teresa of being able to touch people's hearts while you were on earth and you are still touching hearts only now from heaven .  

The girls also met Mulan and shared your photo with her.    You are not going to believe this T but she looked at me and said she knew you!  I asked her how and she said last month a friend came to Epcot and asked her to send a special message to a little girl named Teresa that was having a heart transplant.    You see Teresa  many people loved you so much that someone we have never met emailed me while you were in the hospital and asked if they could send you a special video message from all the princesses at Disney.  Daddy and I sat in the hospital and watched every one of the special messages from the princesses all wishing to see you and for you to feel better.  Sadly Sweet Pea you never got to see them on earth but I know you can see them now from heaven. All your sisters have watched the messages and it made them smile.
Mulan was so happy that  she was able to meet us and said your story really touched her heart! 
We never intended to make all the princesses cry but we cried right along with them because we all love you so much sweet girl!
We continued to walk around Epcot on  Gemmas mission to make sure she gave EVERY Princess  your photo and the letter she wrote to each one  , we finally met with  Aladdin and Jasmine.  
What another moving experience it was.  They spent so much  time with your sisters. They took photos and then took them for a walk around Morocco showing them the shops with all of their treasures. They then stopped at the fountain to make a wish.   But not just any wish Teresa , a wish for you and they sent it to heaven!  
When Gemma told us a few weeks ago that she wanted to give the princesses your photo and a tiara , we thought it would be a very good way for her to heal and smile.  At the same time I knew it would be very difficult for daddy and I to do because we knew how much you loved all of them and we thought it would be too painful for us to do . 
Yes , it has been very painful to be here with out you Teresa.   You were all of the Disney princesses  wrapped up into one sweet, loving little girl.  But what I have learned  from this experience , I will cherish forever.  Just like your entire life and having you as our daughter for the past three years , there was more to this than just visiting the princesses.  Like everything in your life it has a meaning and a purpose.  I was so afraid of coming  and not having you here and doing something that you lOVED, I wasn't sure I would be strong  enough to smile for your sisters.  But you gave me the strength and with each princess we meet and share your story with we all get stronger.  It's not about what we dont have .  It's about what we do have .  We still have you in our hearts.  We were blessed to have you for three years. God is good . 

After leaving Epcot we visited Give    Kids The World .  What a humbling experience this is to be able to help others smile .  Mayzie brought so many smiles to the childrens faces.  She absolutely loved all of the attention she received.  You see Teresa , Mayzie also misses you  very much .   Remember how she would lick your face when you would run around?   She knew your oxygen was getting too low  and she would start licking you and you would stop and rub her tummy and sit with her .  Well when we came home from the hospital she knew  you were in heaven and she started licking  and licking her leg because she was so upset .  Even though Mayzie was trained to help Emilia she always has helped everyone.  She is very sensitive and can feel many emotions. So I was not surprised when she would help you also. But she has felt the emotion of sadness in our family for the past 4 weeks along with the rest of us. 
Bringing her with us has been very therapeutic for her.   
Your journey never was an easy one sweet girl, and along the way you had many lessons to teach to the world.   As our family continues on this journey now with out you in our arms , we hold you close in our hearts.   You continue to teach us so much.

"The key to our heaven is LOVE"- Cinderella 


  1. Is there a way to reach out to you privately? I would very much like to share something with you. I believe we have some striking similar experiences while at CHOP.

  2. Simply beautiful Ann - simply beautiful!

    hugs and continued prayers as you heal...

    aus and co.

  3. Beautiful. Praying for all of you as God continues to heal your hearts.

  4. Ann, Ed, and family, It was great to meet all of you! You are truly a special and loving family and the time with you went by too fast. We look forward to what God has planned for you and we will be praying and ready to support you in any way we can.

    The Carr's

  5. Continue praying for all of you. Gemma, I am so hapy to see your smile!
    we all here pray everyday for you.
    From texas

  6. Tears, Tears and more Tears. Smiling also so glade to see your girls smiling! Creating wonderful memories.

  7. I know this may seem like a crazy question amongst all the emotions you are working through, so please forgive me if this seems silly (and please don't think I'm being disrespectful!!!)

    I'm amazed by Mayzie. I have experience in a hospital and I've seen the therapy dogs working with kids and how they can alert to issues before machines can! Its amazing and such an awesome tool!

    My question is what Mayzie does while you guys are on rides at Disney? Does someone wait outside with her or does she hop into the clamshell with you??

    I am so glad to read that this trip is bringing just a little bit of healing and peace to your hearts. We pray for you daily! Thank you for blogging and letting us into your lives and your intimate thoughts and prayers!

  8. Beautiful pictures and precious memories!
