Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dear Teresa- Hugs sent to Heaven

Dear Teresa,
Today we went to the cemetery and sent you hugs, prayers, dreams and love to Heaven.  Your sisters all wrote you a special message on a balloon and then sent them to heaven for you.  I know you will love reading them.  They were so heart felt and filled with the hope of seeing you again in heaven soon.  We also sprinkeled Mickey Magic on your grave that the girls brought back from Disney.

You would love how the girls decorated you grave,  full of flowers, angels and princess balloons. 
We buried you right next to Grandmom (my Mom).  Although you never met her on earth , I know in Heaven you two must be inseparable .  She was so much like you and also suffered so much in her life.  We consider this ground to be very Holy!   I know that you remember what happened last year as we were decorating Grandmoms grave with flowers .  We were all bending over in front of the headstone looking at a catapillar and the headstone fell on top of me.  Luckily missing all of you girls but my leg was trapped underneath and I could not get out.  There was no one else around to help and Lucy and Mary tried so hard to lift the headstone but could not make it budge.   Lucy ran back to the car to get my phone so she could call 911. While she was  on the phone Mary  went over and lifted the headstone off of my leg  ALL BY HERSELF!  She said Jesus told her to go around and lift the headstone off of me  and HE would help her.  When help arrived no one could believe that Mary lifted  it by herself because it took three men to lift it just to retrieve my shoe that was still stuck underneath.  Mary does not talk about what happened anymore, if asked she just says it was Jesus not her.

As the balloons slowly flew up to Heaven ,  Mary said " Look they made the shape of a cross".   And they did sweet girl!   They formed a cross as they drifted towards Heaven for you . The girls all stood and watched until they could not see them anymore and were sure  they were in your arms in Heaven.

In every picture we take , there will always be  someone missing...

Helen Keller
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

God is good all of the time, Blessed be the name of the Lord.


  1. We are touched by the love that you all share and the promise that you will all be together in Heaven again. Our prayers continue to be with the family as God opens amazing doors of opportunity to you to share your love and Teresa's life!

  2. Wow. So glad that Mary is a good listener and that you are safe.

  3. Dear Ann,
    While I always tear-up when reading about the loss of Teresa, I am moved by the beautiful, warm and genuine smiles of your daughters. You are teaching them that in the face of incredible grief, there is still love, faith and life. I continue to pray for your healing and God's special blessing upon your family....and I thank Teresa for touching the hearts of so many.
    Peace to all of you.


  4. What beautiful thoughts - so glad that Teresa is looking out for us - gives me a sense of bittersweet joy...

    And Mary - thanks for "knowing" a miracle when you see one...

    hugs and continued prayers -

    aus and co.

  5. Every day our little girls keep remembering you and yours in prayer. The world will always remember your Teresa.

    Lily and Mary and family....
