Monday, May 20, 2013

She Made It !

We have had quite the week .  Last Saturday the girls attended the Taylor Swift concert . ( Thank you  Grandpop).  Teresa woke up at 5:30am  ready to go . She only changed her outfit twice and finally settled on her sparkly silver dress .  By 7:00pm when the concert started I thought she would be exhausted but she was full of excitement.   The concert was "FABULOUS"-Teresa.  She loved every second of it .  I think the people sitting next to us had more fun watching Teresa perform every song than watching Taylor Swift.  Teresa took her light stick and used it as a microphone and sang and danced and smiled the entire night .  It was a priceless memory .  I wonder if Taylor knows how much happiness she brought to one little girl that night .

"Look, look at her sparkly red guitar and microphone ! I want that for my Birthday "- Teresa
(the guitar had sparkly hearts on it too. )

On Sunday Teresa started with a stomach bug and it caused a few problems and landed her in the hopsital.   By Tuesday she was feeling better and she made it home just in time for her recital dress rehearsal . She was so afraid she was going to miss it .

Friday we headed back up to CHOP to make sure all of her tests were  back to normal .  She also had a stress test done .  Her oxygen dropped to 37 during the test but do you think this would stop her ?... No way, she was determined to pass this test so she could dance on Saturday in the recital .  She had to lay down and rest for several minutes afterwards but then popped up and said "O.K , I can dance !"

Back in September when Dance classes started we were unsure if Teresa would be able to dance in the recital . We were unsure if she would have the energy or the gift of a new heart by then.

Saturday was the recital and Teresa danced in it!  She was so excited .  She had been looking forward to this day for quite a while and she made it !

On Saturday evening we ran from the recital straight to Teresa's fundraiser that  our friends were having for her .   We have been so blessed to live in such a wonderful community with so many amazing friends .  It really touched our hearts to see so many friends , neighbors , teachers , transplant teams ,church and family come out and support Teresa.   Your love and prayers are a tremendous gift to us all !  Thank you !
This week Lucy is having surgery . We would be very grateful for prayers for her .


  1. The girls are so beautiful! So glad they had an amazing weekend and that Teresa was able to dance:) Prayers for Teresa, Lucy, and your whole family! - Theresa from Georgia

  2. What an busy and exciting week!! So glad things worked out and all your girls were able to have fun and do so well. Teresa and Gemma look beautiful at their dance recital.

  3. I am so glad that Teresa was able to participate in the Recital. Also glad to hear that she is feeling better. The girls are so beautiful in their dance attire. Praying for Teresa. Will be praying that Lucy's surgery goes well.

  4. Awesomely gorgeous and elegant!!! Bravo!
    Deb Harrop

  5. Prayers offered Ann - and the girls looked simply beautiful - these are the memories that make life worth living!

    Great joy and hugs -

    aus and co.
