Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Prayers , IV Fluids and Chinese food !

Prayers , IV fluids and Chinese food,  are what makes this girl feel better.

Teresa was admitted to CHOP on Monday because of a few complications from having a stomach bug over the weekend .   Today she was feeling much better especially after having  Chinese noodles for lunch . 

Yes , that is her Taylor Swift  T- Shirt from the  concert .  She has been wearing it for 3 days .


  1. Wow - the girl simply amazes me how she bounces - prayers as always - and hugs -

    aus and co.

  2. I hope Teresa is feeling better! Prayers - Theresa from Georgia

  3. HI,

    She looks great with her red shirt and Chinese noodles:) I am sure by now she is out of the hospital. Praying daily for her complete healing :)

    God bless,
    Lee Ann and family

  4. Ann, Thank you so much for sharing!! I read your blog and it is always a "lifter"....I always walk away thinking that if you can, I can. If Teresa can, I can....Thank you, thank you. You are a blessing to me every day. AnnC in TN

  5. Teresa is so cute and we can see that she really enjoyed eating chinese noodles. Does she know how to use chopsticks?

