Saturday, June 2, 2012


We are waiting ...  We arrived home this afternoon  after a very long three days.

Thursday morning Teresa and I drove to Philly for pre op testing .  After a long day we checked into the Gift Of Life House .  We were hoping to stay  at The Ronald Mc Donald House but they were completely full.  The Gift of Life House is specifically for transplant families ( adult and child transplant ).  The House is amazing with all the amenities of home .  Every night volunteers come and prepare  a home cooked meal for families staying in the House .  It was delicious and provided one less thing to worry about . We met some very courageous people while there .  All of whom are waiting for a transplant .
Friday Teresa had an MRI and heart Cath..  She was so brave , not even crying when her IV was started .  She actually helped the nurses to do it . They were very impressed with her calm state .

After the cath .  we spoke with Dr. Hanna about the results.  I was praying that the results would be very clear and provide a very decisive prognosis .  Dr. Hanna was very optimistic and felt she should be listed for a heart and that she would have a good chance of surviving .  Her pulmonary pressure was still over 30 and her PVR( pulmonary vascular resistance ) was 3 .  Both these numbers are not optimal for heart transplant but Dr. H feels its all about the flow .  At this point it was becoming very difficult to follow the tremendous amount of information and details so I had to rely on his level of expertise and trust his decision .   He feels she would survive a heart transplant .  She will struggle the first few days as the new heart battles the extremely high pressure in her lungs .  The fear is the right ventricle will start to fail because of these high pressures but he thinks with medicine she should be able to over come this and after a few days stabilize .
Now we must wait as the transplant team reviews all of the data and makes their decision . 
We should know their decision by the end of next week .  Once again we find ourselves waiting and praying for a miracle !

I have to tell you how grateful we are for all the heart felt comments and prayers for Teresa . She is an amazing little girl with an iron will for life .  We feel very blessed to be able to share her story with everyone .  Your prayers are all part of her miracle for  life !


  1. We've been praying and will continue to pray for God's best for sweet Teresa!!!!!

  2. Teresa and your entire family has been on our minds and hearts. We're holding you up in prayer in Oregon--sweet Teresa is a miracle for all of us! We're so glad to hear that the procedure is over. Sorry you have to wait for more consultations and reviews--hugs to your brave and beautiful girlie.

    Lynne and Amelia MeiYun

  3. Sending lots of love from California. We are thinking of your family the next few days.

  4. Teresa,

    Your are the sweetest, most beautiful little girl I have never met. Sending you the biggest hug I can for being so brave. Your sweet smile can brighten any day.
    Keep on bossing that heart of yours.
    Praying for you in NM today and always!

  5. I am glad to hear that the tests are completed and Teresa was so brave during the whole process. Continuing to pray for a miracle in this precious childs life. Prayers also for you and the rest of the family as you wait to hear the news that Teresa has been accepted for the transplant. God's blessing on you and your family.

  6. Praying for sweet Teresa and your family!! She is a blessing from God!

  7. Oh I am praying so hard for Teresa. She has me wrapped around her tiny little finger and all I know are pictures!!

  8. You're in our constant prayers! Praying for more good news soon for your sweet little Teresa!!!!

  9. I have not been able to comment for awhile (my silly internet) but have been praying for you guys...praying hard for the decisions being made and that God wraps His arms around all of you as you wait.

  10. Glad all went well with the cath procedure. As always will continue to pray for Teresa and all of you. God continue to bless and keep you all. We're believing for miracles!
    The Carr's

  11. I am so glad to see your update this morning. Teresa has been on my mind and heart all week. I will join the multitude in praying that she will get listed for a transplant, that it won't take too long to get it, and that we will all continue to witness God's miraculous grace, mercy, and healing in and through your precious little daughter.

    Carolyn (in Las Vegas)

  12. praying for you sweet girl, from Emily in canada..xoxox

  13. We will continue to pray for Teresa here t our house in NY!! Thank you for keeping us updated!!

  14. Thank you for the update. Teresa is such a beautiful girl with such a beautiful spirit! We will keep all of you in our prayers.

  15. Praying for your beautiful girl!!!!

  16. Ann - continuing to pray for you family - what a wonderful person your daughter is - you guys continue to amaze me!

    hugs - aus and co.

  17. Praying!!! We have been praying for her since she was in need of a family and we will continue to pray for her and all of you!!!

  18. Gracious that sweet girl! I will continue to lift her up in prayer! She was on my mind all day on Friday. Hang in there momma!

  19. Hi, Ann - Have been praying and just wondering if there are any updates? I will keep praying!! Hugs, AnnC in TN
