Sunday, May 27, 2012

Great Time with Great Friends

We had our dear friends come to visit us today from Florida ( they also happen to be Grace's Godparents ).    We always have such a great time with them and the girls really love all the goodies they bring them from Disney World ( Louise works for Disney ).

This week will bring many changes to our family .  Mayzie is coming to live with us permanently .  Emilia is beyond excited .  Mayzie helped her so much this past week with her surgery .  She has handled the recovery much easier with Mayzie by her side (or in her case actually in her hospital bed with her ).
Mayzie had lots of visitors while in the hospital . Not only did she bring happiness to Emilia but also another little girl having surgery .

Gemma will have her next  blood transfusion on Thursday  . The week before her transfusions she becomes very tired  . It is such a balancing act with the transfusions (which make her feel better ) and the iron overload that comes with more transfusions .  If we transfuse sooner , she feels better but in the long run she receives more iron and the iron is already starting to affect her liver .It has been such a slow process with her daily infusions trying to lower her Ferritin levels which are still EXTREMELY high .    Today she was so tired she fell asleep while eating . Anyone who knows Gemma (AKA - Buddha Belly ) knows she LOVES to eat and for her to fall asleep while eating was not a good thing . 

On Friday we will finally know if Teresa will be listed for a new heart .  The waiting has been VERY stressful . I wish I could say it has been easy but it hasn't . I am worried about her being under anesthesia for twice as long this time because she will also have  an MRI along with the Heart Cath.  . We have moments of peace and hope but then the worry creeps in filling my mind with doubt  and fear . 

If you could find the time to say an extra prayer for Teresa this week and especially on Friday morning  we would be very grateful . Please help us to have a miracle on Friday ! Without sounding too pushy ( OK I am going to be pushy ) PLEASE ASK EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO PRAY FOR A MIRACLE FOR TERESA ON FRIDAY !

Thank you !


  1. Will be praying for a miracle for Teresa. As you know, God is in control of everything. He will do what is best for Teresa. My prayer is that it will be for long life for her.

    It was good to hear that Emilia's surgery went well. I am glad that Mayzie will be coming to live with you and that she is such a comfort for Emilia.

    May God be with you and your family during this season of you life.

  2. Ann - as always prayers offered for you and all your guys!! But I would note the joy and life that is going on - your family is simply amazing!

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. Absolutely will be praying for Teresa's cath and all your precious little one's!! Love the shot of Gemma snoozing at her meal. Poor babe.

  4. Prayers are being sent for NM for sweet little Teresa and your family.

    Boss your heart Teresa and be strong.

    God Bless

  5. Lots of prayers for your sweet girl and for you, her family.

  6. Praying for all of your girls who show such strength in spite of their medical adversities. Praying for their siblings and Mommy and Daddy too. And thankful for Mayzie coming to STAY!

  7. Definitely praying for your family and for Teresa specifically!!
