Saturday, May 19, 2012

June 1, 2012

June 1, 2012 ,  this is the day that we will find out if  Teresa will be listed for a new heart.

It's hard to believe that  after almost 2 years of searching and trying to find some sort of hope or a cure for Teresa's heart and lungs  we will finally have a answer .  On May 31st.  Teresa and I are traveling to Philly for pre op testing and then very early on Friday June 1 she will have a cardiac MRI followed by a heart Cath..    She will spend one night in the cardiac ICU and we will return home on Saturday .
We are praying for a miracle but are at peace with Gods Will  should it be for her not to be listed.
The 2 years we have spent searching for a cure  and researching everything there is to know about Teresa's heart  condition has left us ultimately right back where we started from , totally dependent on God for an answer . Yes , the Doctors will perform the tests and give us their conclusions , but ultimately it will be up to God .  It will be a miracle if Teresa can be listed for a heart since this is what we were told 2 years ago by not one hospital , not even two hospitals but MANY .
I know God has great plans for her life , however long it may be . It will be to glorify Him .

This weekend Teresa was able to cross off one more thing on her ( well actually our ) list of Life's  Treasures. This is a list of things that every little girl should experience in her lifetime .
Today Teresa ( and Mary and Lucy ) had their dance recital .  Teresa absolutely LOVES dance class and for one year she has been looking forward to this day .  The make up  , hair , costume , was all too much for her to take in .  The excitement  she felt today preparing for the recital was so sweet .  She couldn't stop admiring herself in the mirror all morning .   We were so happy for our tiny dancer !

Miss Lisa ( the girls dance teacher at Turning Pointe Dance Studio) gave Teresa a gift today that was priceless !  Thank you  Miss Lisa for making another one of Teresa's dreams come true !  We are so grateful to you !

This week Emilia will have her second surgery on her arm . Please pray for her as she has been having a lot of difficulty adjusting to the fixator and the size and weight of it all .  When she had the fixator on her leg two years ago she did so much better .  I'm not sure why the change in her but we are  praying she will start to have an easier transition since she will have it on for another 6 months .  Mayzie definitely helps when she is here ,  her whole attitude and outlook changes  . Luckily Mayzie is coming to the hospital on Wed. and then will  come to live with us permanently the following week .

We would be so very grateful to everyone if you could join us in praying for a HUGE miracle on June 1 for Teresa . 
To all of our friends , adoption community and  Internet friends who we only know from your kind words,  we are so thankful to you all for all of your support and help in spreading the need for prayers for Teresa.

"Where there is great love , there are  always great miracles "-Mother Teresa


  1. So glad to hear all the news. Will be praying for one more miracle in Teresa's life and that she will be listed for a heart transplant. Prayers will be going out for Emilia this week as she faces another surgery. May God give you strength as you care for these precious souls God has given to you and your family.

  2. Thank you for your update! We are praying for your family every day during family devotions! Our kids always remember Theresa and Emilia when we ask them if there is something they would like to pray about. We count it a blessing to pray for all of you!
    We are so eager to hear about your results on June 1, and live very close to Philadelphia. If you need anything, let me know.
    I am so excited to hear that Mayzie will be coming to live with you soon! :) praying she will be an extra special blessing to your family, and precious Emilia!
    God bless you!!

  3. Precious pictures, beautiful girls!! As always will gladly continue to pray for all of your families needs. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you all.
    The Carrs

  4. Keep "Bossing Your Heart" little Teresa. You are so beautiful. We are praying for you in NM and sending you lots of hugs. Stay strong Tiny dancer, God has Big plans for you.

  5. Good morning Ann - of course we will join you in prayer - knowing full well that God does, in fact, listen to the voice of His faithful!

    And don't the girls look just beautiful in their dance costumes! Wonderful thing!

    hugs - aus and co.

  6. Praying for your beautiful Teresa always as this important date comes up. May her body be strong and her spirit stronger no matter what the outcome. And praying for your beautiful Emilia as she heads into surgery on her arm. May everything go well and may she be granted courage, comfort and healing as she manages her fixator. Thank you, God, for Mayzie and the gift she has been in these children's lives. Thank you for this family, for their commitment and love for their children, for their willing spirit, and for their desire to follow God's will in their lives.

    Lynne and Amelia MeiYun, age 6

  7. Dear Ann,

    We are praying for all of you, especially for Teresa's miracle. There is always Hope for those who Believe!! We believe !!

    God bless,
    Lee Ann

  8. Oh dear Ann, I will be praying!!!!!

  9. I have been praying for Theresa ever since Robin at Red Thread introduced her as Lucy. Now that you mention Philly & Turning Pointe I'm wondering if we are neighbors. We live in Malvern and are friends with Dr. Achoff @ CHOP. Could this be as small of a world as it seems???


  10. You are in my thoughts and prayers always, but especially today!

    Anna in Sweden

  11. We will keep Teresa in our prayers.
