Tuesday, June 12, 2012

LISTED !!!!!

A MIRACLE has occurred  !   Two years after coming home from China with Teresa ,  we have the MIRACLE we have prayed for .   Two years of being told by several different Doctors  that it would take a  MIRACLE for Teresa to be listed for ONLY a heart transplant has occurred .


Words can not fully describe the joy we feel .

For Two years we wrestled with the hopelessness that the world had to offer and clung to the hope only Jesus could give .

Two years ago before we started Teresa's adoption we met with our Pastor to discuss if this was Gods Will.  His advice to us was ,
"The Will of God will never lead you , where the Grace of God will not protect you ".

This morning we met again with Father Whatley to discuss Teresa's MIRACLE .  He reassured us of  the miracle of Teresa's life .  God is using her life to touch others ...

Next week we will find out if our insurance will approve the transplant  then we will  start  the wait .  Teresa will be listed as a 1B.  1A is the most critical  then 1B then 2. 

A few (well actually a lot ) of other details need to be worked out also as to how we will be able to arrive at CHOP within 1-2 hours . We are 2 hours without any traffic and leaving from our home .  We have also started the process to find help with the care of the girls while I am gone .  Our Church is awesome with the amount of help they are offering !

As we start yet another journey on this amazing  path God is leading us , we  are so VERY grateful to everyone  for praying for  Teresa !   The power of prayer and love can move mountains !


  1. Amazing God!!!!!!
    His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness!!!!!
    He is worthy of our praise! ALWAYS!

    We'll keep praying and praying as you begin this new journey...knowing God is with you every step! Not only that, He has the days ahead already planned...you can rest in that!

    Blessings, hugs, and prayers from Alabama...


    We have been praying with you, and this is WONDERFUL news! We are so happy for you!

    We'll keep praying for all the details to work out too, and perhaps we can help in some way! We are only 30 minutes from CHOP.


  3. After clicking on your blog twice a day for nearly a week, I am thrilled to hear your blessed announcement. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. Faith, hope and love all rolled up into the gift that is Teresa--it's lifegiving. I will join the prayers of the masses who are going to lift this child before her Maker, Reedemer and Sustainer, pleading for Teresa's life and mission on earth through the miracle of a heart transplant. And, of course, prayers are raised for her family as you continue to take this journey with her.
    Pastor Carolyn Arness (Las Vegas)

  4. Our GOD is amazing! And Teresa is one very special little girl!

  5. A miracle indeed! Changing you, changing me....

  6. Wow, wow, wow! Praise God!!

    I am so amazed at our dear Lord!

    Praying for your sweet child and for your family!!

  7. YEAH GOD! So happy to hear the good news. We will continute to pray for Teresa and your family from New Mexico. We ask that Faith will keep moving those mountains right out of your path to victory. Though we are not close enough to lend a hand in person, we will continue to use our hands in prayer for your sweet family.
    Love you sweet Teresa. You are such a beauty. Sending you lots of hugs. Keep on bossing that heart of yours.

  8. This is such fantastic news! I have been praying for Teresa and following your journey for over a year now and I am so thrilled for you all. I will continue to pray for your little girl and your entire family. God is so amazing!!

    -Stephanie in Arizona

  9. I have been anxiously checking your blog & waiting & THRILLED to read the news tonight!! Truly a MIRACLE. Teresa is a very special girl and God knows her work on this earth is 'far' from over. He will see that she successfully comes through this transplant to do more great things in this world! Pam

  10. Praise God! That's the best news I've heard in a super long time - and just what I needed. God's done this much - He'll take care of the details. Yay!!!

  11. What a fantastic way to start my day!!! All Glory to God!! He knew what he was dong when he chose you for Teresa's family!! I will pray now for insurance coverage!!! Oh I am so happy to tread this!!
    Kathie in NY

  12. I am so happy for you! Praying for yoU!

  13. PRAISE THE LORD FOR SUCH WONDERFUL NEWS. Like others, I have been checking the blog every day waiting for this news. I will continue to pray for Teresa, as well as the rest of your family, as you wait for the transplant. Teresa is such a precious soul. I know that God is going to continue to bless her and give all of you the strength and wisdom to handle all the details. God's peace and love to all of you.

  14. God is forever faithful, it's all in HIS time and the doctors don't have the last say. There are many people in this world praying right along with you. I am turly inspired by your faith and patience.

  15. Oh my goodness - I'm a crying like a baby. What WONDERFUL NEWS!

  16. Such wonderful news!! We will continue to keep you all in our prayers! May God continue to wrap his arms around you and give you strength and courage to endure the wait! Hugs!

  17. Soooo happy for your whole family. Praise God!!! I have been praying for little Theresa from the beginning. I have no doubt God will see her through all of this!! You are a wonderful family.

  18. Praise God!!!!
    As always we will continue to lift your whole family and needs to the Lord and keep expecting His goodness to unfold for you all.
    Believing in His Power to heal completely.
    The Carr Family

  19. What incredible news! I am so happy for your family and I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

  20. I echo the joy, wonder, and thankfulness that everyone else has expressed--we are so happy for this miracle! May the wait be short, may the specifics fall into place, may Teresa's new heart beat strong and true, and may she always feel surrounded by love and miracles...

    XO Lynne and Amelia MeiYun, age 6

  21. Praising God with you for this miracle!!!!

  22. SO wonderfully happy! Praise God! Love you guys! You don't know this yet but we are planning on seeing you guys in the fall! :) So excited for you guys and Teresa!

  23. God is GOOD!!!!
    We will continue to pray.

  24. Praying in thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart!!!

  25. Another praise God !!! This is truly a miracle in the making ! I am so happy for Teresa and your family.

    Thank you God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Mary for this tremendous miracle!!!!

    God bess,
    Lee Ann

  26. From the moment I first read of Teresa here on your blog, I felt so strongly that her time on earth was not to be the short span predicted by the doctors. I have waited, with my breath held, many times as I opened your blog to read the unfolding story. While my mortal heart is rejoicing, my eternal heart is saying, "Of course she's listed!"

    What a long hard road you've all traveled to reach this point! It has also not escaped me to acknowledge that for Teresa to have a heart, someone else must lose their child and I know that must weigh heavily on your own heart, too.

    Most likely, you'll have to stay close to the medical center, but if you can, contact the local ambulance companies and see if they will donate an ambulance ride for you, or, better yet, contact Life Flight or a similar group. Post notices at your local big and small airports for private pilots and plane owners.

    I am so very, very, very happy that Teresa will have this chance at life! Her spirit is so strong that, no matter what, it will endure.

  27. The dust is finally settling as we wind down to our exchange student leaving tomorrow morning, so I'll apologize for not getting in here sooner. Comment #1 - HOORAH - no other word to describe the Grace of our Father - and evidence that He hears our prayer!!

    As for transportation - please contact your local police agency - I'm sure that your chief will be happy to place a 'standing order' that a marked car and driver will be dispatched at your call - that's the kind of thing we LOVE to do! You've had a great many other suggestions as well - any or all of them are very reasonable ones - get the world involved!

    great joy for you guys - hugs - aus and co.

  28. SPEECHLESS....absolutely so thrilled when I opened your blog today and saw this news. God doesn't lead us to it without bringing us through it!! AnnC in TN (doing the happy dance!!)

  29. Amazing news to catch up on here!! Continued prayers for your sweet girl....and your amazing family. Blessings, Jennifer
