Friday, June 22, 2012

Moving Along...

Things are moving along wonderfully .  Our insurance has APPROVED Teresa's heart transplant !   This was a big concern  but as it turns out God took care of all the details !

We are still working on transportation to the hospital .  We are working on a few options . The transplant team suggested we move closer to CHOP but with six  kids at home   , this was not an option .  I know God will work out these details also.

The social worker from the transplant team called today to see how we were handling the stress and I had to laugh as she asked if we were having any anxiety .  Well yeah !!!!    Our biggest anxiety right now is care of the girls and how to keep their lives as normal as possible while I am gone .  Before we adopted Teresa we had several  family meetings with all of the kids to discuss how our lives would change and how they felt about the huge sacrifices they all would have to make .  They all were so sweet and caring  saying they would give up this... or give up doing that... or going there... and over the past two years they have all been phenomenal with their love and support of  Teresa and all her  medical care .    But the journey we are now on will require even more sacrifice for them and we really want to try and keep things as routine as possible at home for them  . I know God has opened their eyes and hearts   to so much already  through Teresa.

I have started packing so we are ready to leave as soon as we get the call and I am also  making lists... and more lists... so the care of the girls will be as smooth as possible while I am gone . 
With the best case scenario (which is what we are praying for ) , Teresa will be in the hospital for one month .    But because she is considered HIGH  risk and may have complications we could be in the hospital for 6 months. There really is just no telling what could happen or how long we will be there .  So  we are trying to prepare for everything .   With Teresa's STRONG will  though I am sure she is going to run the race and show them all just how well she  can do  and be home in Miraculous time . This girl LOVES to be home and with her sisters.
I have packed a little suitcase full of goodies ( nail polish , lip stick , jewelry, princess stuff,  all kinds of girlie bling that she loves )  so as she is recovering she will be able to pick something special out of the suitcase to help motivate her and keep her moving forward  with her recovery .

Trying to adjust to yet another "normal", as we wait , has left us a little frazzled.  But it has also left us with a new hope for a miraculous life for Teresa.   Thank you God for leading us on this journey , even when I complain  and am totally overwhelmed, you have always  given us strength  and wisdom to carry on .


  1. I am so happy to read that your insurance company has agreed to cover the heart transplant! I'm praying for all of you and will continue to do so.

  2. I am so glad to hear that the insureance company is going to pay for the transplant. God definitely has a plan for Teresa. God is so good. Continuing to pray for Teresa and the rest of your family as you make arrangements and wait for the transplant.

  3. Praying that all the details will fall together and God's peace will permeate you.

  4. Amazing news! Will continue to pray for all to work out beautifully and for your peace through it all.
    The Carrs

  5. CHOP surely has a helicopter they can send for you. Someone would drive you and Teresa to a hospital with a landing pad and you would be at CHOP super quick. Judy

  6. We have prayed for Teresa since before your family found her. We live not far from CHOP & we would love to be a resource for you! Please email me: We are a large adoptive family, familiar with special needs.We would love to help however we can. You can see more about us at our family

  7. Fantastic news all the way around! We are thrilled that it is all coming together. If Teresa would like to receive cards from special friends in the hospital while she is recovering, let us know. We'd love to send her something.


    Proud mama to Amelia MeiYun, a sweet and sassy six year old...

  8. Praying for you all, and the donor and family.
    Asking God to be very near in every detail.

  9. It's a good thing God has it all worked out in advance. We will continue to pray for her and your entire family.

    God bless,
    (mama of a heart baby too)

  10. Praying for you Teresa. Every time I look at a picture of you, your beauty takes my breath away. Keep on bossing that heart of yours. You are so precious in so many ways. What a blessing God sent to the earth when he created you.

  11. A wonderful update to hear that insurance is covering and you are able to move forward in preparing to leave when you get called. Like many others, I am praying for Teresa and the rest of your family during this time.

  12. Good morning Ann et al - wow was this a great post!! First off because of the good news - but more so because of something I don't know you know that you said... "Trying to adjust to yet another 'normal', as we wait,..."

    Ann - so happy that y'all realize that there IS a "normal" in all of this - dang y'all really have the right attitude in place!

    great joy for y'all - and hugs - aus and co.
