Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not Good News

We are admitted , we are going home, we are admitted , we are going home . We are finally home ! Not a good day .

This morning we went to see Teresa's cardiologist at Hopkins. For the past 3 weeks she has been holding onto a cold that would not go away . I could tell something was wrong , she just hasn't been herself . The echo revealed her already severely damaged Tricuspid valve was leaking even (dangerously )more. This is causing damage to her liver and fluid retention in her face. After a VERY long day of testing it was decided we would go home and closely monitor her and speak again in the morning to go over the blood work . She will start 2 new medicines , one to eliminate excess fluid and one to help her heart function better. Not the news we had hoped for .

To all of Teresa's prayer warrior friends , people from all over the world that pray continuously for her , people we have never met but feel called to pray for her , THANK YOU !!! Your prayers and words of wisdom and love mean so much to us . Your prayers mean more to us than you will ever know . Thank You !


  1. Oh no! I'll be praying that the new meds work really well and that Theresa gets better soon. *hugs*

  2. Oh, Ann. We are continuing to pray for Teresa and your family.

  3. HI Ann,

    We will never give up praying for Teresa and your family.

    God Bless you,

    Lee Ann

  4. I am praying right now.....there is also a day of fasting and prayer tomorrow at I would be happy to add Teresa on there if you want. Storming Heaven's doors for your baby girl!!!!

  5. Ann and family - we have many common bonds - and yeah, while we've never met - we all are still family because of those common bonds - adoption, care for kids, and Belief....

    You guys will be in our hearts and prayers -

    hugs - aus and co.

  6. Many here in Louisiana are praying for your family. Alicia

  7. Ann,

    Teresa is on our prayer list. I found out about her quite by accident from another blog, but your faith and courage reminded me that MIRACLES happen. We Believe.

    Ann C.


    I have been keeping Theresa in my thoughts. Saw this on tv and thought of her. Rare heart surgery. PAttie

  9. Continuing to pray and believe.
    The Carrs

  10. We are praying in Ky. We have been following Teresa since before she came home to your family. We are praying for you all.

  11. Ann, I will be keeping your family in my prayers this weekend. Our life has recently been touched by a girl with CHD and reading through some of your past posts helped me put things into perspective. God bless!

  12. Oh, Anne. Praying for sweet Teresa and for all of you. Please, God...she needs a miracle.

  13. Ann Please know that in this tiny town in NY there is a family praying for Teresa and your family. Your story has touched our hearts from the day you said "Yes, we will be her family!" but Teresa has had our hearts since we first saw her picture when so many families were advocating for her.
    Kathie in NY

  14. A while back I shared your family story with my two daughters. My 5 year old will pray for "Tieresa" every night and sometimes she will look at me and say "did you pray for "Tieresa" we need to pray for her".
    We will continue to pray to the great physician for healing and strength.

  15. You are in our hearts and in our prayers. Sending you love from Minnesota.

  16. More prayers going up from Minnesota! <><

    love and hugs,
    ~ Tanya

  17. Again, joining you all in prayer for this precious girl! She is continually in our thoughts and prayers.


  18. I'm so thankful we serve a miracle working God. He is a good God, ALL the time.

  19. HI Ann,

    Praying and fasting today for Teresa.

    Miracles occur everyday. Never give up hope.
    God Bless,

    Lee Ann

  20. Praying and fasting in Virginia for Teresa.
