Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snow Day

Teresa wanted so badly to go out and play in the snow today ... but she wasn't feeling too well . She unfortunately needed oxygen most of the day . We are going to the Doctor tomorrow .


  1. Teresa has been on my heart all day. I was wondering if you would be interested in having a doctor at Boston Children's look at Teresa's test results. I know you have taken her to a great hospital with great doctors but I have learned that everything is so subjective when dealing with out-of-the-norm cases. (For example, our daughter's heart surgery --a fontan, complicated by a heart on the wrong side and backwards--is being re-evaluated by the doctors in Boston even though the surgeon who did her surgery in at U of Michigan was one of the best in the country). Boston is #1 for cardiac surgery and I would be happy to ask our cardiologist if he could have their top surgeons look at Teresa's test results. I think there was someone at Boston Children's who reviewed her file when she was still in China. I bet they would remember her. I am not trying to put more stress on you--just offering this as a possibility. We live near enough to Children's that you would be welcome to stay with us if you wanted to come and see the doctors here.
    Praying for your sweet, precious Teresa.

  2. Wow - wanting - but you can tell by the smile - also knowing and understanding...your daughter is an angel in disguise!

    Prayers and much love - aus and co.
