Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prayer Weekend

Thank you everyone for praying for Teresa this weekend !
This past week has been very sad for us . Finding out Wednesday that Teresa's heart is failing even more has been very difficult. I feel even more driven now to fill every minute of every day with love and happiness for her .
This weekend in church her name was mentioned in the prayer for the sick . She heard her name called and she turned and looked at me with a very puzzled expression and said , " Why are they praying for me , I am not sick ". She does not know or feel she is sick . When I look at her face I can see it in her eyes how much she has deteriorated . She looks so tired .

Even though this past week has been hard for us , she keeps her little "Princess " smile going . Today she was Cinderella.


  1. I still remember the first time I saw Teresa's sweet little face... Robin at Red Thread posted about her.... she has been in my prayers since then. Praying for all of you!!!!

  2. Teresa is inspiring and i am praying for her and all of you, too.
    Teresa positively sparkles in her pictures.

    mom to a heart baby who came home this summer,too.

  3. Praying today...and don't plan to stop praying for your sweet girl's heart.

  4. We will not stop praying for her. I am happy that she is happy and so loved. Obviously she feels your love.

    God Bless,

    Lee Ann

  5. Ann - just know that the reason she 'doesn't feel sick' is because of you and your family - what a wonderful life you guys are providing for her! As always we will hold ya'll near to our heart and prayers -

    hugs - aus and co.

  6. I will continue praying for her and your family.

  7. I am lifting you all up, especially YOUR momma heart. I am a mom to a sweetHEART little boy from China, and even though I am not in your shoes, I know the risks and scares and FEARS very well.
    I am in tears as I pray for your baby girl! She has such a sweet countenance, it shines even through the internet!

  8. We continue to pray for Teresa's miracle. Thank goodness she doesn't know she is sick. She seems like such a happy little girl.

  9. Praying for all of you. This must be so frightening for you, praying that you can rest in the arms of the Lord and He will provide you all of the peace and strength that you and your family need.

  10. Praying for sweet Teresa and for all of you. Praying for a miracle! Please, God...

  11. Just wanted to let you know we have been thinking of her here in Ft Myers Florida. We are sending good vibes her way every day. Hugs from Florida Teresa, we are always thinking of you.

  12. Please know you all are in so many peoples prayers and hearts. What a blessed and happy life you have given "OUR" (little Lucy) Teresa. You all were her family from the beginning. You have blessed her with joy and happiness...May God continue to hold her and give her peace and no pain... and as always we pray for her total healing!

  13. Your entire family will be in my prayers. I have followed your daughter's story for a long time through Robin Magana. I am so sad to hear this news. But there are miracles.

  14. That Miss Teresa knows the love of God and the love of a family is a miracle. Praying that she will continue to not feel sick. She has given us so much courage to continue with our adoption of a heart guy in China with a similar prognosis. In the hands of God, we pray Teresa.

  15. Ann.....I too have followed you through Robin and I remember when Teresa was in China. No matter how sick your sweet little princess is in these photos....all I see is how much she is loved and knows it.

    She is a beautiful little angel and I am praying for all of you.


  16. Agree with Dita's comment above. She's a beautiful little angel who radiates such love. Praying for her and her special family.
