Sunday, February 6, 2011

Min Min Has A Family !!!!!

Min Min has a family !!!!!
This is Teresa's best friend from the orphanage. This little girl really touched our hearts while we were in China . She too has a very complex heart condition , but what really was amazing about her was how desperately she wanted a Mama. She carried Teresa little photo book around (of photos of our family we had sent Teresa) looking at every photo and saying Min Min's mei mei ? Min Min's baba? She wanted us to take her home too. This broke our heart having to say good bye to her . As soon as we came home we started advocating for her to find a home . Teresa still calls her on her play phone everyday and talks to her . If we could have we would of adopted her too , but GOD had other plans . She has a Family now !!!! This family is having her adoption expedited to bring her home as soon as possible so she can get the medical care she needs for her heart before she has irreversible damage like Teresa . This means they have to come up with all the adoption fees very soon . Please go to their blog to see if you can help them in any way .

Bringing Min Home .
or click on their button on the right .

We are so happy for Min Min and her family !!
(Teresa still calls her Ming Ming)


  1. Oh, what wonderful news, Ann! I have been thinking of Min Min and hoping she would find her family!

  2. Thanks Ann! Our homestudy writer is sending the final draft on tomorrow!!!! We are moving along fast! We are praying for your family and Teresa every night! Thank you for being a huge part of our family's journey!!!!!

  3. Great joy for both T and Min Min!!

    And ya'll have added a dog to the mix? Hummmm.....who has whom wrapped around their fingers? :) (This from a guy with as many dogs as he has kids in the household!)

    Love it - absolutely love it!

  4. How wonderful for MinMin and for Teresa!! If this keeps up, I am going to be dehydrated from all the tearing up!!
