Saturday, February 5, 2011


The girls broke the news to Grandpop the other day . "Can we keep Annabelle? We will pay you our allowance for one year. " How could Grandpop resist those sweet little faces. He said " Yes". We will see how that works out . She is the sweetest little dog. She wants to be held ALL the time . I think Mary is going to have to move her bed permanently into the family room. She has been sleeping in her sleeping bag with Annabelle every night . We will eventually transition her into her crate . This is where she will hopefully sleep all night , but for right now she and Mary are enjoying snuggling together !

1 comment:

  1. Cute puppy!!! But really cute kids!!! We had actually inquired about Teresa but were in the process of adopting a son through Asia at the time and they would not allow us to adopt two with her heart condition. I am so glad I found your blog to follow her!!

    What kind of puppy is that by the way?
