Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Emilia's NEW leg

For the first time in 12 months Emilia is free from all casts,braces and external fixator devices !!!!

It was a long year but so worth the wait. She never complained about the pain or not being able to run and play . Her only request was to have a pair of sparkly shoes and to be able to ride her bike .

In a few years she will have her right leg lengthened again. ( this leg will never grow). Her next surgery on her left leg will be in a few months. This leg was totally rebuilt 2 years ago with the ability to bend at the knee. Over the past couple of years it has started to lock up and can no longer bend. This surgery will be a major one requiring a 7 day hospital stay with intense PT 5 days a week for 4 months and 3 hours of PT at home to keep the knee flexible . We would like to wait until Mayzie (Emilia's Service Dog )comes home to have this surgery because she will be able to help Emilia with the PT . She will also be a huge emotional support for her and a big distraction while at PT. Dr. Standard assured Emilia that after this surgery she would definitely be able to ride her bike ! That is all she had to hear , she can not wait !

So now the problem is trying to find the right time to fit this surgery in to an already very hectic schedule . We would also need to be able to afford a full time babysitter for a few weeks who would feel comfortable taking care of Teresa while I was in and out of the hospital with Emilia. I have not left Teresa with a sitter for longer than a few hours . I don't feel comfortable leaving her for long periods of time because her health is so fragile and she can deteriorate rapidly .

Praying for God to guide us in the right direction .


  1. Emilia, You are a super hero baby girl! I love following mommy's blog to see you and your amazing sisters just growing more and more amazing every day! Before you know it you will be on that bike!!!

  2. Emilia - we are just so impressed with what a class young lady you are....couldn't be any more proud of you - and while pride may not always be a good thing - I hope you are proud of yourself too! Enjoy the little break from medical things - you have earned it!

    Can't wait to see pics of you riding that bike too - looking forward to that!

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. I love following their journey. Thank you for sharing. She is such a little doll.

  4. Your children are amazing, WALKING miracles!

  5. Way to go Emilia!!! I know you'll ride that bike!!!
