Saturday, February 12, 2011

"To Do List "

Today we crossed off one more thing on our "To Do List " for Teresa . This is a long list of normal childhood experiences i would like for Teresa to have the chance to do. It has things on it from going to the zoo to going to Disney World, from making a Build A Bear to riding a bike . So today we went to Build a Bear for Teresa to experience the fun of creating a new friend to love . Lucy generously offered to give Teresa her Christmas money to help pay for it . She really loves Teresa and couldn't wait to help her.

Teresa picked a white bear with pink and red hearts . She named her "Princess Hope". The most exciting part of the day for her was picking out the SHOES. She LOVES shoes . She is really starting to have an obsession with shoes.

Last week while we were at Sinai Hospital having Emilia's Cast removed , she commented on the Child Life specialists shoes as she came into our room. "Mommy I lova her shoes" . Yesterday while we were at Kennedy Krieger for Gemma's Speech class she noticed EVERYONES shoes . As we walked into the elevator there was a woman standing there with purple sparkly shoes. Teresa started jumping up and down saying" I lova her shoes " . The woman thought this was hysterical and asked her if she would like to touch them . Then today at Church as we were leaving ( in the quietest voice she could contain ) she said " Mommy come here I have to show you something " . She led me back up to the front of the Church where an older woman was kneeling and praying . As quiet as she could she said "Look at her shoes ". They were gold. The woman stopped praying and turned and looked at Teresa to see who was interrupting her prayers. I had to explain to her that she was in love with her shoes. This woman was so kind to her . She told Teresa "Thank You " and that she also loved Teresa's shoes .

I am getting a little afraid of going in public places now for fear of what she might say if she doesn't like someones shoes. She only gets to see me in Tennis Shoes.
She keeps me smiling all day long with her funny comments.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure if you posted Teresa's shoe size, you might find several hundred pairs of shoes delivered to your door! :)
