Monday, January 17, 2011

Teresa's Miracle

First let me say " Thank you " to everyone. Thank you for all of the prayers, kind words and unconditional love and support. I know everyone has been praying for Teresa and I want everyone to know how VERY grateful we are to you all !

I really debated about whether or not to write this . I felt I would not be doing everything I could for Teresa if I did not.

When we adopted Teresa we promised to do everything we could medically to help her . We knew she was our daughter from the moment we saw her photo. (This is a very long story that started many years ago that is filled with unbelievable turns of events that GOD orchestrated. I promise to post this story later). For the past six months Teresa has stolen our hearts.

Going to CHOP last Friday and hearing all over again how very ill she is has brought back emotions that I had put aside. With the daily routine of life it is easy to get caught up in these routines and not face reality . I have been so busy with the Holidays , doctors apt., surgeries, moving 2 kid back to college that I have been in denial about Teresa. She has been doing OK, she had 2 illnesses but she seemed to come back OK from them and she is looking OK and gaining weight . Everyone says how great she looks. So it has been easy to be in denial about her health . Maybe she will beat this , maybe she will live a very long life, maybe, maybe maybe...
But on Friday hearing the Doctor say "Yes, this is good news her pressure has come down a little, BUT, her heart might not make it another year" , was like a slap in the face that knocked me back into reality .

So this is why I am writhing this post. I need your help . For the past six months I have researched every detail of Teresa's heart and lung condition . We have taken her to the best Doctors, we have gotten second and third opinions . I have not left one stone unturned medically for her . I promised six months ago to do everything medically possible for her , and we have. Only GOD can save her now ...if this is HIS will. I love Teresa with all my heart but I know GOD loves her more and I know He has a very special plan for her life. Her entire life so far has been a miracle .

I am asking everyone, from one Mom to another , one friend to another , one adoptive parent to another ... to PLEASE ASK EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO ASK EVERYONE THEY KNOW TO PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACLE FOR TERESA'S HEART AND LUNGS TO BE HEALED. PLEASE PRAY ,PRAY , PRAY !

I am no longer knocking on Heavens Door , I am banging on Heavens Door.
I want God to be tired of hearing the name , "TERESA ".

Pope John Paul 2 needs one more miracle to be canonized. This is who we are asking to intercede for Teresa to be healed. If you are not Catholic , please feel free to pray in your own families religious belief. We are praying to the same GOD and we are grateful for ALL prayers !

Please help us pray for this miracle by telling everyone about Teresa's story .

I am making prayer cards for Teresa. If you would like me to mail you some to give out please email me

I am doing this because I have to know that I did everything medically and spiritually possible for Teresa.
Thank you for every ones help!
"Where there is great love , there are always great miracles" Mother Teresa


  1. I have and will continue to pray for this miracle. Please post the cards here, and we can steal them and print them off for ourselves to pass out. I would love to have my bible study groups praying for her! I want her name to be heard ocean wide as we all pray for the miracle she so deserves!

  2. We're banging on the door for Teresa too!

  3. We will certainly be saying prayers for your sweet daughter Teresa!

  4. Our family will continue to storm the gates of Heaven with you with our prayers. We will pass this on to all the faithful prayer warriors young and old that we know.

    God Bless you and your family,

    The Carr's

  5. We are praying every morning and night for her.

    God Bless,

    Lee Ann

  6. We have been praying and will continue to pray. I have just shared on my FB page and wanted to let you know about a Day/Week of prayer that my friend of mine and I are hosting. If you go to, you can leave this request and have others praying for sweet Teresa.

  7. I like Jenna's idea of printing them on here and we can print them ourselves instead of you messing with mailing them.
    I will post your request to my blog. And our family will commit to pray for her until she is healed.
    You are a good mommy!

  8. Yes, please post them here as well. I would love to post a blog button on the top of my blog that would link back to your blog (and this post). I don't know how to make one or I'd offer.

    Anyone else???

    I BELIEVE. God CAN absolutely heal her heart.

    Banging and believing with you, Leslie

  9. My daughter (from China) and I have prayed every night for Teresa for well over a year now. We are banging on Heaven's door with you. With God ALL things are possible. He LOVES when His children come together for a common cause. Please post the prayer cards online and I will run them off and give them at church, work, family and friends.

  10. "If you are not Catholic , please feel free to pray in your own families religious belief. We are praying to the same GOD and we are grateful for ALL prayers !"

    Thank you for posting this. Your sweet girl has touched my heart SO much. I'm Jewish. I prayed for her when I couldn't sleep at 4 AM. I'll continue to do so. I think you need a pray for Teresa button for our blogs too! I'm not sure how to get one but I will spread the word!!!!!

  11. Praying for a miracle on Teresa's behalf...

  12. You bet I'm in!!!!!! Hardly a day goes by when God does not put Teresa on my heart to pray for....I will get the word out however I can too.

  13. One more miracle, please! Blessings

  14. Maybe you could create a "Pray for Teresa" Facebook page? (Or I'd be glad to make one...)
    I've been praying for Teresa for a long time, and will continue to.
    She is precious.

  15. I will continue to pray for Teresa. I've recently received a huge miracle, so I'm sure that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.

    I'm sorry I don't understand better why Teresa isn't a candidate for a heart-lung transplant. Is it appropriate to ask you about this?

    I'm so impressed at Teresa's weight gain! She has such a strong spirit! I don't have the words to convey my feelings, but I know that Teresa is wrapped in our Lord's love and is one of His choice daughters.

  16. I found your blog through Anne Little. We are a Catholic family and we will most certainly ask for the intercession of the saints, and in a special way ask Blessed John Paul II to pray for Teresa. I will also post to my blog (I have a family one and a Catholic one - not many of my immediate family are Catholic, hence the two blogs). Many, many blessings.

  17. I just came across your blog today and learned of your sweet Theresa. I, too, will pray to PJP II and to the Blessed Mother on her behalf.

  18. I am going on your FB page now and will promote it on mine xxxxxx

  19. Am praying with the St. Mark's family. Our Caroline was one of Teresa's classmates and she is praying daily to see her here, well and are we all.
