Friday, January 14, 2011

6 months Home

We finally arrived home on Thursday !!! What an unbelievable week . Thank you to everyone for your offers of help .

Today we headed up to Philadelphia for Teresa's exam at CHOP . We were really praying for some good news and guess what... we got some , well at least a little and that's better than none.
After all of the testing we met with Dr. Rychik and Katie RN( she is head of the single ventricle survivor ship program ) and it seems that the sildenafil is helping to stop some of the deterioration of her lungs. It is not improving the damage already done but the good news is it is helping a little to stop more damage from occurring and that is great news . Her medicine will now be increased to almost double the strength and rechecked in a few months . We are praying that her pulmonary pressure will continue to drop.If her pulmonary pressure does not drop she will never be able to have surgery on her heart . Her heart is so damaged that Dr. R does not know if she will survive another year because her pulmonary reserve is already so low .
The other good news is she has gained almost 7 pounds and is now 36 inches tall!
Her oxygen was 78 today and her color was good .
The other suggestion was for her to start her Make A Wish . With her feeling good right now she would really be able to enjoy it . This is such a sad process to think about but something I don't want her to miss because she will really enjoy it. I already know what she will wish for , to be a princess. A few weeks ago I called her to come and eat and she turned around , put her hand on her hip and said " I am not Teresa , I am not Fang Fang, I AM PRINCESS " I guess the princess has spoken.

We are very grateful for this little bit of good news . Please continue to pray for her pulmonary pressure to decrease and for her to stay free of any viruses or other illness.


  1. Oh! So thrilled with that news! I am still praying for Teresa and for the Lord to keep her with you for a long, long time! I have been checking in but have not written for awhile....blessings on you!

  2. HI Ann,

    I am very happy for the good news !!! Did you see today's news? Pope John Paul II only needs 1 more miracle to be declared a saint. I will pray Teresa is the miracle :)

    If she wants to be a princess at Disney World, please post or e-mail me. We live not too far from there and would love to actually see you guys if that isn't too imposing.

    We will continue to pray for you every day and night.

    God Bless all of you,
    Lee Ann

  3. praying for her......I hope there will be more good news!

  4. Your sweet Teresa is always in my prayers!!! Praise God for a bit of good news!

  5. Teresa is so very precious; a true little princess for sure! I am happy to hear a bit of good news regarding her fragile health. Will keep little Teresa and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. LOVE this!!!! Will continue to pray for all of your beautiful princesses. Expecting the best for you all.
    Just got back from China with our newest princess who's health has improved significantly since we started this process. So as we lift our needs up in prayer we do for your family as well and Hannah my little prayer warrior especially remembers Teresa's needs. God bless.
    The Carr Family

  7. Hello Ann,
    Happy to hear that Teresa is doing will at the moment. I will continue to pray for her and hopefully we can all get together this spring.
    Thinking of you and your family.

  8. I will absolutely join you in lifting Teresa up in prayer!!!! I would love to post this request on my blog as well....Would you mind if I included a picture of Teresa? If so, my email address is
