Monday, January 10, 2011


Does it ever snow in the south? Apparently only when we arrive and guess what ...there are no salt trucks, snow plows or salt domes in the south !!!!

We moved Alex into school on Sunday and planned on heading back home on Monday morning, but Alabama was blanketed in snow and ice. We waited until late afternoon Monday to leave because the roads appeared to be more passable. We headed north for 70 miles and then the roads were totally impassible , totally covered in ice. Cars were laying in the ditches and a tractor trailer had jack knifed across the road. The exit ramps were covered in ice . We finally made it onto the ramp and found a hotel to stay in . The hotel unfortunately had no restaurant and all the local restaurants were closed .
What an adventure. What should have been a 14 hour drive home has now turned into a 3 day nightmare . We are praying the roads will be passable tomorrow.

Teresa has done very well on this trip .We packed One whole suitcase full of her medical equipment ,medicine and oxygen. I wasn't sure about traveling so far in the car with her but she loves watching her movies and sleeping in her car seat. She has gotten a lot of much needed rest. So far so good.
We brought 3 girls with us and left 3 at home with Grandmom . We all could not fit into the car with all of Alex's stuff.

Another adventure we had on this trip was the addition of a new member of the family. For the past month we have been puppy sitting Paul's Boston terrier -Dewey.
Grandpop fell in love with him and wanted us to get him one from the same breeder in Atlanta. So after dropping Paul off at school in Atlanta we headed into the sticks of Georgia . This was another crazy adventure. We drove through the woods ,over many dirt roads and into a very remote area of Georgia . We got lost but eventually made it . They turned out to be the nicest country folk. Here we learned " Their Story " . Life lately seems to be having us learn about others and hearing their story . Everyone has a story . Along this journey it has been so enlightening to hear others tell of their lives. The girls favorite part of Their Story (i am not sure why they felt the need to tell us so much , but it was very interesting ) was the part of their pet deer. The deer would walk in the front door , sit on the couch and even sleep by the fire place. We really enjoyed visiting with them and I now feel like a part of their family . It finally was time to pick out Grandpops new puppy and head on our way to Alabama.

The girls named her ...Anna Bell Georgia !She is 6 weeks old and absolutely adorable . Mary , Emilia and Gemma can not wait to meet her .( I have to keep reminding the girls that Grandpop paid for Anna Bell and it will be his dog ).

Praying we get home soon and safely .


  1. Hi Ann, I have folowed your blog for a while now after Robin brought awareness to Teresa. :)
    We live in Alabama. It doesn't snow here often. It cripples us when we get it, but love to play in the snow. Not ice. Where I live we got ice. I hope you have a safe trip home.

  2. I've been following as well, and the South really can NOT function in any amount of snow. Email me privately which interstate you are along. Lifeline Adoption Agency is in Birmingham (with MANY families there that you likely know), and then headed North toward Huntsville has many families as well you would recognize from blog land. Nashville is expected to get more snow, and if you are headed up through Knoxville area, they were hit hard as well (7 inches Mom told me). They pulled all snow plows to the interstate and still could not keep up. Seriously, in Alabama 1 inch is a HUGE snow. In Tennessee 3 inches causes everything to shut down.

  3. Just thanks for being smart enough to stop and wait it out! Teresa is a trooper - but that's not news - still - the child impresses me!

    Love the pup too - very cool stuff there!

    hugs - aus and co.

  4. What an ordeal! Hope you're all safely home soon.

  5. Ann,

    I've been following your blog since your brought Teresa home. We live in N. Alabama and has Lisa said snow is VERY rare for us here. If you are anywhere close to Huntsville and need anything, please email me ( and we will come find you!!!


  6. Hi from snowy North Carolina-Charlotte area. The NC mountains are getting hit- again! So careful if going that way! We also adopted another child from China this summer, and she has CHD as well. All of your children are so precious, Teresa has really touched me especially. If you need help and are in the area- let me know. We can help you figure out something! (our blog is emilygetsasister.blogspot)

  7. Oh my! I will keep you all in my prayers! So glad Teresa is handling it well! The puppy is too cute and I love the story about the deer too:)
