Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Prayer Cards

Thank you everyone for requesting prayer cards for Teresa. Right now my scanner is not working so I can not scan them in and my boys are away at college . ( they are my computer helpers. I am not very good with the computer). Anyway, If you would like them just send me an email(

Someone suggested a Facebook page -"Pray for Teresa". I think this is a great idea, but once again my computer help is gone and I am not quite sure how to create this . So if someone would like to help me with it , Please just let me know.

Also "K" asked why Teresa would not be a candidate for a heart lung transplant. I am sorry for not explaining this better.
As the Doctors explained it to us; A heart transplant is an operation that children do very well with and have a very high chance of surviving. A heart and lung transplant is a very hard operation for children to survive. children with cystic fibrosis survive this procedure better than children like Teresa with High pulmonary pressure . Several Doctors have advised us against having this done . They ALL felt she would not even survive the operation . Her Heart and Lungs are so weak right now that she could not tolerate the operation .
She needs a miracle !


  1. Ann, I went ahead and created that Facebook page. Hope that's okay. It's called Pray for Teresa. I figure the more friends, the more prayers. Let me know and I'll turn the admin job over to you so you can add the things you'd like to the page. I put a few pictures on, but we also need a descriptive paragraph.

  2. Just a note: I renamed the group "Pray for Teresa B"...there was another (student) group that had the name "Pray for Teresa".
    There are already 14 members praying! :-)
