Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Teresa had a pretty good day today. She was able to go to the play room and make a pumpkin.
Her oxygen levels stayed stable At 76 while she was in bed , in the play room 62 and running down the hall ... 53!
She had to lay Down and catch her breath .
So tomorrow we are going home !!!!!!
Her oxygen and pulse oxymeter will be delivered tommorrow to home and the hospital .
We will find out tomorrow also what our insurance will pay for her medicine( sildenefil... Yes , Viagra ).
We are so happy to finally be leaving.


  1. Oh!!!!!!! Praise God you are going home!!! I love the idea of her playing and running a bit again!!!!!

  2. OH! I'm sooo glad you are going home! We will still pray for that miracle. :)

  3. You may want to contact http://www.caringvoice.org/ I was reading through my blogs and I friend posted they just recieved word that Caring Voice will pay their co-pays for the meds their daughter is on through 2011!! That is over $5,000.00!!! Praying for you and hope this helps!! Their blog is http://kidjunkies.blogspot.com/2010/10/caring-voices.html

  4. I am so happy to read this :) Miracles do happen every day, some not as big as others, but they all count.

    We will continue to pray,

    Lee Ann

  5. Happy to hear her O2 levels are back up when she's still. And the sildenafil is good stuff! Hope it lowers her pressures some and helps her. Have a glorious return to your comfortable home! Blessings, Petrie

  6. How wonderful that you're heading home! We'll be praying.

  7. Yay!!!! Praise God, will keep praying, but are relishing this victory for you all.
    The Carr Family

  8. Wonderful. Praise God you are going home!!!

  9. Thank you Lord Jesus!!! Home Sweet Home!!!

  10. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! So glad she is going home! Praying for her medicine to get her pulmonary pressure in the normal range.

  11. Praise God! He is an awesome Healer. I have everyone I know praying for Teresa- she has truly touched this Mama's heart.. as have you and your family. Praying for BIG miracles!!
