Monday, October 25, 2010


We are still here. This morning Teresa 's oxygen level was still too low and her lungs not clear enough so here we are .
It was suggested tha t maybe we should start to think about a grant a wish for her . I thought wow we get to have a wish come true? My wish is ... When can it come true ?

So their thought was if she became this sick from a cold and having so much trouble getting back to her base line, then the next infection could cause more trouble and lower her base line even more. They suggest not waiting too long . Not the news we wanted to hear.

Praying even harder for that miracle!


  1. Praying for your sweet daughter and your family.

  2. We are joining you in your prayers for the doctors to be amazed at what our God can do with a miracle healing, as well as what a fighter and what strength Teresa has to live.

    May your faith and trust in God continue to give you peace and strength.

  3. Praying for Teresa...She is so precious.....

  4. Praying so much for Teresa's healing and strength for your family.

    May God bless all of you,
    Lee Ann

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I will continue to pray for Teresa and your family.

  6. I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with Teresa and your family.

  7. We are praying for your family! Remember that "Wishes" are not just for kids who are terminally ill anymore. My daughter was granted her Make A Wish 2 1/2 years ago. She is not terminally ill. They have to have been through a life threatening illness. I know she has MAJOR problems with her heart (I've been following for a few weeks) I just wanted to put it back into perspective for you. When I received a letter in the mail that my daughter's doctor had put her name in to Make A Wish, I melted into heap right there on the driveway. Nobody had told us we were going to loose our girl! And then I was angry! Nobody had told us! I called Make A Wish, and they quickly clarified things for me! Make her wish! There are LOTS of options for wishes, and they do wishes for kids who are not well enough to travel too! Praying for you guys!

  8. I am praying hard for a miracle for Teresa....and for you guys as well!

  9. Praying for Teresa and your whole family!

  10. I think Teresa's wish has already come true...your family. :)

    Praying for these beautiful children of yours. I hope Gemma was able to get a transfusion and that she is feeling better as well.

    Love, hugs, & prayers,

  11. Praying for her and your family.


  12. Us too Ann - praying right beside you!

    hugs - aus and co.

  13. Praying for your sweet daughter and your whole family!

  14. We are praying for your sweet Teresa and for your Mama's heart. I can't pretend to understand what you are going through but I can only imagine. May God comfort and encourage you all in only the way that He can.
    Blessings & Prayers,
