Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Telling the nurse how to do it !


  1. Oh I love that spark!

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. She looks so much better! She is so precious. She always brightens my day. Love her little spunk!

  3. Hi Ann. Could you email me at 5puppies@comcast.net. I might have some info for you on the cost of the medicine that Teresa needs.

  4. How is our girl? I just know that everyone who meets her is struck by her beautiful Grace! I know that I love her very much. Not every person has the gift of living with your tiny Angel Girl! How very Blessed your family is. Please, give her a gentle hug for me and tell her that someone is Praying for her. Know that I'm Praying for All of your family.
    Lots of Love ~ Jo
