Thursday, October 21, 2010


Teresa had a great night . The day was not so good. Oxygen Sats dropped all day even On oxygen. Another chest x Ray and another echo showed her valve in her heart that was already leaking was leaking even more . With any movement at all she has a lot of difficulty breathing . Please keep praying for her little heart to get stronger and her breathing to be easier.


  1. Bless her. Thank you so much for loving her.

  2. Praying for her and ya’ll tonight!

  3. Continuing to pray for your sweet girl and for you!!

  4. Lord I pray for Teresa right now, You know her heart better than anyone. I pray that You would help it to heal, to become strong and vibrant, that it would beat regularly and every speck of blood would go where it should. I pray that the oxygen would do it's job and fill her lungs. Lord I pray that You would saturate that room with Your peace that passes all understanding that it would fill the hearts and minds of everyone who comes in that room. I also pray for deep sleep and rest tonight for the whole family.

    Big Hugs from here,

  5. Praying for Teresa. She is such a precious miracle.

  6. Praying for Teresa and your whole family tonight...


  7. I don't know if my other post went thru...

    I am praying for your bright eyed, brave, beautiful baby girl! She is so very, very loved!

    Thank you Ann for holding Teresa all night. I know that Gemma needed her transfusion. I'm sorry it had to wait. Praying for God to breath strength into your day.

    Love and hugs!

  8. HI,

    We will continue to pray for Teresa and your family. May God grant complete healing to Teresa and everyone in your family, and give you all the strength to endure this trying time. May you all have the peace that you can only know by knowing Him.

    Lee Ann

  9. Lord we lift up Teresa and pray that you would demonstrate your mercy to her today. We pray Lord that she would feel better and be able to rest without struggling to breath. Give the Drs wisdom and insight as they make decisions as to how to best treat her. I pray for her parents that you would encourage them today, show your presence, and give them everything they need to serve sweet Lucy. Thank you for giving us all the opportunity to walk this road with her and appeal to you on her behalf. Amen.

  10. Praying Ann - wish we were there to support you more! Hang in there Teresa - the whole world cares!

    hugs - aus and co.

  11. I'm praying for your sweet Teresa...and you!!!

  12. I read your blog. Praying for Teresa and all of you.
