Friday, October 22, 2010


Last night was very scary. At 11pm, Teresa's breathing was still deteriorating so she went down to get her third xray within 24 hours. I had no idea that her lungs could fill with fluid this fast . Just hours before, the second xray showed her lungs were clear, now they cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestion with evidence of worsening congestive heart failure. At 1;30 her sats. dropped into the 50's and she was really struggling to breath even with oxygen , nebulizers and lasix. she finally stabilized and was able to get a Little sleep.

This morning she looked a little better but every time she moved or sat up her sats went back to 63.

Thank you for praying .
Praying for an easier night of breathing and no more damage to her heart or lungs.


  1. Hi Ann,
    We are the family that tried to adopt Teresa just before you. I wanted you to know that we are praying for Teresa, you and your family everyday. She is a very special little girl that has touched many hearts.

  2. Continued prayers for your sweet girl! Sweet Jesus bring her healing!!

  3. Praying for God's healing touch...and for peace and comfort to embrace your family.

    Sending love and hugs from St. Louis!

  4. HI Ann,

    Praying for a miracle to happen. Praying for strength for everyone in your family.

    God Bless,

    Lee Ann

  5. Hi Praying for Teresa and your family!!I am so thankful that she has her family by her side!!!
    Kathie in NY

  6. Oh Ann!! I am praying for sweet Teresa every night! Please Lord heal her heart and lungs and please watch over her family!!!

  7. I was just looking at pictures of Teresa on China Care's facebook page, and I couldn't help but truly think about how many hearts she touches. As her heart struggles, our hearts beat faster wanting her to survive. We are on our knees praying for this precious girl.

  8. Oh Ann, I'm praying for Teresa. I'm still hoping to meet you guys this spring. I'll be thinking of and praying for all of you.

  9. Wow, I don't check in for a day and I am now getting caught up! We are continuing to pray for her and Gemma. They are both so precious.

  10. Praying for Teresa, Gemma, and all of you!!!!!!

  11. Praying for Teresa and your whole family. May God comfort you all and touch Teresa with His healing hand.

  12. Ann, I just wanted you to know that I advocated for Teresa when Half The Sky made us aware of her and her serious heart condition. We had just adopted a child with single ventricle and several other heart defects, so we knew it would be a very special family who would adopt Teresa. I have a tender place in my heart for your daughter, and am pained to hear she's so ill now. I am praying for her and your whole family during this difficult time.
    Blessings, Petrie

  13. I have followed Teresa's journey since she was one of the 3 girls HTS advocated for. I will be praying that your sweet Teresa will start to feel better. (((((hugs))))))

  14. Many prayers for Teresa and your family.

  15. Praying and praying! We love you guys!
