Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Teresa is in the hospital, please pray for a very quick and full recovery .

Monday she started sneezing a lot . By Tuesday night she had a 103 fever and very labored breathing. I was up all night holding her sitting up because this was the only way she found a little relief. By Wed. morning she was shaking with chills and her fever only came down to 102.5 . Gemma was scheduled for her blood transfusion today , so I had to reschedule that until Friday . We went to the ER and she was immediately given oxygen , she was down to 63. She was started on IV antibiotics and was moved to the IMCU floor for very close monitoring. We are now waiting for her blood cultures to come back to see how aggressively the infection needs to be treated. This afternoon , she is starting to feel a little better, I think the oxygen is really helping her to breath better and has brought her stats up to 78.

She has been through so much but she still has her magical personality ... helping the nurses , showing them where to put everything and telling them to only take a little blood.

Please pray for her to have peace and not to be so scared. She really is trying to be so brave, even in so much pain.


  1. OH! Poor little girl! I was praying for her this morning (around 6.) Oh, I hope she is okay soon.

  2. Praying for Teresa to have a quick recovery. Thank you Jesus for such a sweet hearted little girl.

  3. We will be praying for her to have peace and recover completely.

    God bless all of you,

    Lee Ann

  4. Oh, how scary for you. We are praying for her recovery, Ann.

  5. You can count on prayers from this end as well. Teresa is such a beautiful, brave little girl.

  6. Praying right now for your sweet girl. Praying also for you as you walk this road with her....
    Blessings on you,

  7. Just sent up a prayer and will continue to pray for her recovery!!!

  8. Thank you for letting us get to know Teresa. Here is a bouquet of hopes, dreams, peace, love, and acceptance for Teresa, you, and your family. Your compassion and love shine through your children and beyond. There are so many hugs and shoulders to cry on out here... just keep reaching out through your blog.


  9. Prayers - she is, from our perspective - a true warrior!

    hugs - aus and co.

  10. Praying.....complete and total healing. Amen.
