Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thank you for praying !

Teresa must have been surrounded with lots of prayers today because last night her leg was swollen and bruised, in a lot of pain and had a fistula between her artery and vein causing high velocity blood flow .This morning she was to have the ultra sound repeated and then go to surgery to repair the damage. When the ultrasound was done again this morning the tear in the artery and vein was almost completely gone,the swelling was gone, the bruising had stopped and the pain was subsiding! No surgery and we came home! She was so happy to be going home she started singing her favorite song in Chinese as we left the hospital.

Thank you !!!!!!!


  1. Tears of joy!!! Little Teresa has lots of prayers coming from New Orleans.

  2. Praising God in Southern California with you!!! We will continue our prayers for total healing that only our Father in Heaven can do.

  3. Thank you Lord Jesus...thank you!!!!! Lucy is such a miracle. Look at that smile on her face even from a hospital bed. Prayer changes things! Praying for a healing heart!

    Love and blessings to you all!

  4. Praise the Lord!! Only God! Only God!! Love that!!

  5. Still praying for healing and health! Praise the Lord!

  6. Wonderful news! There is power in prayer :)

  7. Our God is an awesome God!!!!! That smile lights up my heart! They say when you pray to pray big and that is what I am doing. I am begging God for complete healing for Lucy. To God be the glory!

  8. Thank you, God! He is holding Teresa close! What wonderful news! We'll keep the prayers coming.

  9. Glory to God!!!!! praying and rejoicing over what He has done and is doing!

  10. Awesome news! Praising Him.

  11. I am so happy that she is doing better. I sent a prayer request to a convent I support and the nuns of St. Joseph's convent in St. Augustine are praying for her. I actually received a card from them a few days ago stating that they are praying for her.

    I know your news the other day was very sad, but I still believe a miracle can happen if it is His will. Many are praying for a miracle.

    God Bless,

    Lee Ann

  12. Oh Ann, I'm so happy. My heart has been all at once overwhelmed with joy and sad when I read your posts.

    We love you guys and are praying for Theresa!

  13. How AWESOME is HE????? What a miracle! I am going to go to bed happy tonight! Thank you Lord!

  14. Teresa is such a beautiful little girl inside and out!! Oh, how I pray for a miracle for her and her sweet family.

  15. Thank you Jesus!

    Teresa and all of your family are in our prayers. You are all His precious treasures!

  16. Oh! God is soooo amazing! How great that she didn't even need surgery! I will continue to pray for her little heart.

  17. Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our God is truly an AWESOME God!!

  18. Ann - that is why you should never loose hope! All things will be according to His plan - and I wish I knew what it was - I'd share it with you....but it will be as it is ordained! Prayers of thanks - and for continued blessings on your house!

    hugs - aus and co.

  19. Praise The Lord!!!

    prayers from Ottawa Canada!!!


  20. Praise Jesus!
    keeping the faith her in NC
    blessings, amy

  21. Praise God! Just look at her smile!!!

  22. Sending prayers for Teresa and all of your beautiful family.

  23. I just recently heard about your family. I love your site and the video above :) We adopted our youngest Jeremiah from Taiwan and came home to 31 days in hosptial and ICU and almost lost him several times. He battled through that to make it to Neurologist and testing and determine that Neuro says prognosis for survival is none. BUT WE have a BIG God! GOD IS ABLE! I am praying for your family as I pray for my Jeremiah!

    God bless,
