Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lucy's Birthday

What a difference a couple days make. Teresa is doing much better and her leg is just a little bruised and doing great!

Yesterday was Lucy's seventh birthday. On September 2, 2003 , she was found abandoned at the gate of The Government Building of Shangbu Town ,Luxi County , PingXiang City ,JiangXi Province , China. Her birth Mother placed her at a location that she new she would be found very quickly. With her was a birth note from her birth Mother with her name(Ya Ya Mei), her birth date and time. The orphanage renamed her Ya Ping, keeping the Ya from her Mother and adding Ping for the City.
On May 29, 2006, she became Lucy Ya Ping Bartlinski.

She had a very rough start in life, having to endure several operations and illnesses all by her self. Having gone through so much at such a young age has made her a fighter. She has the attitude that she can do any thing in life. She also is very stubborn and on those days , look out.

She came to us very sick and spent the first 3 weeks home in the hospital. I am so happy to say she is now doing fantastic. She still has several operations in the future but she will never have to face them alone again.

For her birthday we went to The Utz Potato Chip Factory in Hanover PA for a free tour. The girls all loved it . You would of thought we were at WDW , Teresa was so excited.

After Dinner we had cake and ice cream. While we were in China I found a really cool Birthday candle that opens up into a flower while singing the Birhtday song. Well only in China can you buy a Birthday candle that needs a fire extinguisher to put it out. The look on the girls faces was histerical. Lucy thought her cake was going to catch on fire. Teresa thought it was sooo funny. She finds such happiness in everything.

A good time was had by all.
I'm sure Lucy's Birth Mother must have been thinking of her yesterday . I wish there was some way to tell her she is doing great and loved by her family .


  1. Happy Birthday Lucy!!! You are such a beautiful girl!

    The potato chip factory sounds yummy!

    Love and blessings,

  2. Happy birthday to Lucy! I love the photos of your girls together.

  3. Your incredible heart and love for your children speaks volumes. Teresa has it right....its the little things that mean so much!

    Happy Birthday to your Sweet Lucy!

  4. I was adding your hear to our blog but it says this image was moved or deleted so I couldn't do it.

  5. Wow, what a great little fighter you have there! All the best for Lucy. I know exactly the type of candle you mean... We had it as well. You can buy them here (The Netherlands) too. It wasn't so much the flame that would not go out, as it was the song that would NOT STOP! Endless music... You would go crazy over less. We had to remove the battery in the end! :-)
    DS Casper (8, bio)
    DD Ying Xin (8, SN China)
    DS Hong Jie (nearly 4, SN China)

  6. Happy belated Lucy! I miss all the girls terribly! I think about them and pray for each of them (especially Teresa) every day. The most random things will remind me of something funny that Lucy said, or how clever Mary is, or how cuddly Gemma is, or of Emelia's smile, and many times of Teresa's hugs and kisses.

    Your family is so beautiful! Spending the summer with them was a gift and certainly an amazing learning experience. Hope to see you all soon when I am visiting home sometime.

    Much love and many prayers,
    Sarah Todd
