Thursday, August 26, 2010

heart cath.

On Tues. Teresa had her heart cath. ,right now it is Th. morning 2am. and we are back in the hospital. Wed. Teresa woke with a lot of pain in her right leg. As the day progressed the pain became worse and her leg started to swell and bruise. The doctor thought it could be a blood clot so we returned to the hospital . After many test ,it was determined she has a tear in her artery and vein,(caused from the heart cath.) causing high velocity blood flow between the two. We are waiting to be moved to the childrens floor and in the morning she will have more testing and then head back to the OR to repair it.

I know I keep asking for prayers for Teresa , but please pray for her today !

The results of the cath. were very bad. Nothing can be done, the Doctors just want to keep her comfortable with medicines. She could have a stroke or heart attack at any time.
Thank you everyone for all of your prayers and words of encouragement.


  1. Ann - we will keep all of you guys in our hearts and prayers....just wish we had more to offer....

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. Ask away!! Many prayers are being sent up for you and Teresa! Hugs too! soo sorry for the news!!

  3. I've been following your blog-- Teresa is such an amazing little girl. My prayers are with her your family.

  4. So sorry for the bad news. Your daughter is being presented to Him in prayer. God is good.

  5. My prayers are with sweet Teresa and all of you. I am so sorry the news was not better. I wish I knew what to say...I have loved watching the look of joy on her face since she has joined your family!

  6. I have been following your families blog silently for a while....I as many, were hoping a praying for better news. I am not giving up on a miracle for her and will continue to lift all of you up in prayer. I will pray a rosary for her!! God bless you all.

  7. Always praying for Teresa. May God heal her despite what the doctors say and we will give Him all the glory.

  8. We will be lifting her up in prayer with you and pray that you will feel the Lord surrounding you with His peace through it all. Praise the Lord that she has a family to truly love her through this!

  9. I am so sorry that you did not receive better news. Praying for Theresa and your family!
    Lori King

  10. We are praying for the miracle!!

  11. Lifting her up in our prayers.. NOTHING is impossible with God!

  12. I am so sorry. I am praying for Theresa and for your whole family.

  13. I'm so sad for all of you, but we're praying for a miracle.

  14. Praying that the Lord surrounds you with His peace, and provides Teresa the comfort only HE can! And I'm still praying for that miracle!!!

  15. Praying that the Lord gives you strength and energy, patience and gentleness, and healing.

  16. Praying - and reminded that this is the celebration of the life of Mother Teresa who cared and loved the orphan with the Father's Heart and pray that on this day a little one named Teresa will receive healing of her own heart for the Glory of God!

    May the Lord continue to comfort and give you all strength.

  17. Lifting you and your precious children up.

  18. I am so sorry you and your family are walking this road. Remembering you in prayer...

  19. Praying for peace, healing, strength and comfort during this difficult time. Will continue to keep all of you in my prayers. God bless!

  20. Believing God for this miracle for this precious girl. He loves us, oh how he loves us.

  21. Lifting Teresa and your entire family up in prayer. Blessings.

  22. Praying for each of you, that the Lord's loving arms can be felt as you walk each step in this journey.

  23. I will be praying. Teresa is such a precious little girl.


  24. Our prayers are sent for your sweet girl!

  25. Thank you for allowing us to pray and for taking time to update. We will be praying for your precious Teresa and ask others as well.

    Love and blessings,

  26. I've never commented before but I have been reading your blog since I found out you adopted your newest little one. I'm praying for Teresa and your entire family...our God is in the miracle working business and if He so chooses He can work a miracle in Teresa's little body! This is my prayer!


  27. Sending hugs your way and hoping the FATHER above prepares your path ahead with strenght and mostly mircles! Thank you for sharing this precious child's story.

  28. Thank you for the update I have been checking multiple times a day. Please don't stop asking for prayer for your princess. We are HONORED to be able to lift her up to the Father. May He breathe refreshment into your hearts and comfort and healing.
    Holly- Purpose Driven Family

  29. We will be praying and believing for a miracle. You all are dearly loved, near and far.


  30. Praying here in PA for your sweet girl!!!!


  31. Oh Ann!! I am so sorry! There are just no words but I am still praying for a miracle! God will watch over all of you!!

  32. Praying in unity with so many others for a miracle for Teresa.

    Heart hugs to you and your family, Leslie

  33. Teresa is such an amazingly strong little girl! I am still praying and believing for a miracle for her! Prayers are being said for your family!

  34. Praying for your sweet Teresa...and please don't stop asking for prayer. We love her and want to be praying for your whole family.

  35. Just wanted you to know our family is praying for you. We had a similar situation with our Princess Chrissie, adopted from Serbia Oct. 2009, went to live with Jesus May, 2010. It was really hard to understand why God called us to "rescue" Chrissie, but then He didn't choose to heal her heart and lungs and allow her to remain on earth with us. But God is faithful and has held us through this time, walking us through the valley. God fulfilled His promise to Chrissie of not leaving her as an orphan (Mark 14:18), and she brought so much joy to our family during her short 7 months with us. It was all worth it and we'd do it over again if God asked us to. It is hard, so very hard, and we miss her so very much, but her life was so worth it. We will keep you in prayer and never feel bad about asking for prayer. One can never have too much prayer, and we can never spend too much time at our Father's feeet.
