Monday, August 23, 2010

Hoping for good news tomorrow


  1. I prayed for your sweet Theresa many times when she was still in China. So happy to have found your blog through Shannon at Throwing our Arms Wide Open. I will be praying for her miracle tomorrow and praying that God will protect her sweet little heart.

  2. Praying for you!!!! Praying for a miracle and for peace that passes all understanding as you walk through tomorrow...

  3. Praying for God to move mountains tomorrow for you!!

  4. Hopped over to your blog from another and glad to have the opportunity to join in the prayers for good news for your sweet Theresa. Praying all goes well tomorrow and she and your beautiful family have peace as you wait for the results. Praying for some miracles to happen! God bless, Jennifer in DE

  5. I will be covering your sweet Teresa in prayers!!!

  6. Praying here...just grabbed one of your photos of Teresa and put it on the sidebar of my blog and made it a link to here.
    Thanks for keeping us posted.
    Our God is a God Who Saves!

  7. Ann - picked up the link from another couple blogs I follow - just know that you guys will be held in our hearts and prayers today!

    hugs - aus and co. (

  8. I am praying for you today! I would love to hear of the miracle we are all praying for!

  9. Praying for your beautiful girl today!!
    Psalm 28:7
    The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,And with my song I will praise Him.

  10. Praying for Teresa and your family today. Looking forward to hearing an update.

  11. You can definitely count on prayers from me. I remember Teresa so vividly when she was being advocated for and have wondered if she was home yet.

    She is absolutely adorable. I will be praying and waiting for an update.

  12. Teresa is never far from my mind. You guys will be in my prayers tomorrow.

  13. The girls and I pray for Teresa every night. I also sent a prayer request for Teresa to a local convent that also houses retired nuns. Please know that many people are praying for her and your family.

    God Bless,

    Lee Ann

  14. Praying and hoping today went well....

    Love and blessings,

  15. Praying for all of your needs.....I know that God has a plan!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Praying for your sweet Teresa and Gemma.
